10mm fmj for bear

If you have ever seen 19th century holsters, not the Hollywood version but the real thing, Simply Rugged is a little like that. The bear ripped at his leg. Others can do what they want. People don’t take into account the G20 never had its full potential for a back country gun for 10 whole years thanks to the AWB. Bear’s unsuccessful attempt at self-defense, as the article reads. And a shotgun or howitzer if available. That particular kill was credited partly to the use of FMJ ammo, but still. You’ve mentioned Busted blades and locked back slides. Godspeed on the recovery. Hell, ALL of these people are living on a whole ‘nother level from me or anyone I know. And 400 lbs is not small, go to your local gym, load up 400 lbs on the bars and try to lift it, then imagine it hitting you at 25-35 MPH. Had a great time. One is best for a given task; some are more versatile. I have been told FMJ, due to the penetration, but the JHP may cause hydrostatic shock according to some. Old Skinny White Guy says Fck Old Age. Which of these, if any would you recommend for a carry weapon in a situation like this? are you in Grizzly bear country? Keep your powder dry. I also have on hand some underwood 180gr FMJ loads. If I ever need a bear guide in your territory – I will be calling you! I did just start carrying my new Springfield TRP Operator long slide 10mm, in an Alaska Guide chest holster at times, particularly when mountain biking, It stays out of my way better than the belt gun. keeping his head during the situation was life saving . There’s enough powder in that thing to use 6″ or longer barrels and still have a lot of flame (unburnt in barrel). I have a similar situation, except no .45 ACP, only .45 Colt and .357 Magnum. Again, I’m delighted that you survived this attack! But for bears, etc. The 10mm is NOT comparable to .41M, I don't care what anyone says (10mm gets about 1/2 way to 265 gr. Bear spray and bells on an already dog provoked bear ! I’m glad you’re alive and no one else in your family got hurt. And we’ve seen the vehicle ramming attacks. I would not trust a 10mm for dangerous game , my life is too precious to me . No fault of the pistol. I’m in my hip break years now. I remember my first encounter while fishing on the Ninilchik River, right after I had arrived I was carrying one of my 1911s in a shoulder rig and how even at the 50 or so yards away I felt woefully under armed (no pun intended). I use one of their most versatile pouches for my reload EDC, under a t shirt looks like one of those cell phone belt clip ons the old dudes are rockin’. Cut and split a pile about the size of a small trailer house. “Let me help you get more comfortable,” she said. Man in a fight must always do with whatever he has. Having said that, Buffalo Bore does make a 340grain +P+ in 44 Magnum which comes rather close to that 454, at a much lower price. OK Texican I give up! When you keep your head and make good use of whatever you have with you even while a bear of roughly twice your weight is doing its best to kill you, then any negative comments sort of lose their validity. ! In 2003 my fear caught up with me, whether founded or not and I bought new Wolf springs for each mag which made them a little harder to load. Especially the ‘Critical Defense’ loads. to @ jwm: Better practice with that Kabar. That with bullet construction would help. As for which is better, .45 Colt or .357 Magnum, I have the same question! He had to get the dogs off the bear and back to the house in order to make his appointments. If he’d had a revolver and taken the same shots, he would have been out of ammo long before he was able to get the final kill shot in. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Janelle had heard the shots and his screams. This one was cinnamon and extremely close, fewer than 20 feet away. 11 rounds of .44 Magnum from a lever-action rifle is like carrying two revolvers loaded with .454 Casull, and if you somehow miss with all 11 rounds, you can jam the rifle up the bear’s open mouth into his brain. It is made so that it can be carried on either side. +1 for simply rugged, the sourdough pancake is the best IWB/OWB combo holster money can buy for $80 IMO. As said, it all depends on the bear. Mr. Petrini, thank you for sharing your story with Mr. Weingarten so that we could read it here. The author here, Dean has basically proven heavily that contrary to popular belief guns are way more effective then bear spray. all revolvers but the .45 acp. There are confirmed stories of a 10mm stopping Brown bears. They don’t penetrate. There are a lot more Black than Brown. I would just urge those of you who need to make a choice between bear spray and firearms to actually look at the studies that have been done and read the critiques of them. I have no doubt that you are an excellent hunting guide and none of our comments are meant to detract from that. In other cases the researchers won’t even release their data to the public (this is a dead giveaway that a study can’t be trusted). They are probably driving huge pickups while they never left a pavement. With good shot placement and hard-cast or solid-copper bullets, a 10mm bullet can take down a bear. I doubt a black bear would come anywhere near you if you are cutting and splitting wood. I use 220 grain hard cast when I’m actually hunting. I couldn’t believe the sheer power that the animal projected. I just had this article that Dean wrote emailed to me and read it. Retired and gonna be traveling . Glad you survived, I crapped myself reading this, great write-up and just goes to show how things can and often do go sideways fast. 454 Casull, anything less is a bitch round, A machete is also handy, provided its sharp. Geez, has anybody wondered why the more experienced guides in Alaska use a 454 Casull revolver and up as their handgun of last resort? defending themselves with firearms suffer injury about 50% of the time. Janelle called law enforcement, emergency responders, her brother Brad, and friends. Maybe if I’m lucky I can book a trip with Bridger in the future. Its eyes  locked on Bridger. All jokes aside, GOD bless that cowboy. Well, bigger and faster. While you mean well and your points are valid the tuth of the matter is that reality is hardly ideal. I have a Model 29 that I carried for years in Alaska. .45-70 Garrett 540Gr. Their daughter started to run to rescue her daddy, and her mother stopped her. Browse and buy 10mm Auto ammo online easily with Ammohead. I am going to politely disagree with you on one point: that you were wise and prudent being unarmed (or insufficiently armed) in bear country, especially while sending out your dogs to potentially track and/or corner a bear. So very aware of surroundings, ready physically and mentally to go to battle if ever needed. No criticism, you’re a lucky SOB. Underwood you have will about as effective as any 10mm for defensive shooting black bear. Decided on 100% Ruger Alaskan simply because if I ever need it, I NEED IT! Thanks for being willing to share it. that would have been bad, Good God man. As the bear tried to tear off his calf muscle, Bridger saw his chance and pressed the trigger. So my plan at this point is to use the ammo I have and trust for my 10. Holsters are for sissies and city grinders. I bow and turkey hunt area that has tons of bear sign and actually ran 2 Cubs up a tree 2 years ago, I put some distance between me and them fast. Bridger saw things he told me a man should never see and had vowed at that point to never to ride in a helicopter. Every citizen has a right-to-choose to save his own life. Feel better soon. 2). Black bear live where people are more plentiful. Later, Bridger found bear hair between the guide rod and the slide of the G20 pistol. Oh, shit, the picture that created in my head! I’ve tried to not respond intentionally because frankly I don’t have time but I had to hear. © COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. well, how many bears did you have to shoot? He was mid-air to the third when he saw dogs moving past him. JHPs are made for HUMANS!!! He had some important appointments in Raton, the nearest town, set up for that afternoon. He’s very lucky his wife called and she knew where he was going and went there. They still have to hit something vital. I load it with the heaviest Underwood ammo available. I am beyond impressed at Mr. Bridger’s ability to stay in the fight! I expect having a bear chewing on you has a dramatic negative effect on a person’s marksmanship, so I’d go with ‘more chances’. And his wife wants to bring a friend to chase the bear? Thank God you survived. I myself love the 10mm and have a Springfield Omega 6 inch 10mm, 2 glock 20's 1 a 20 and 1 20 sf, a Collt delta elite, and a S&W 1006 . If you are not handy with this sort of thing any decent gunsmith can do it. You can criticize the guy’s choice of 10mm all you want, but in a fight as dynamic and fast-moving as that one was, high-capacity probably saved his life. The narrative had their full attention. Since it appears you have some first hand experience in dealing with bears i have a couple of questions. It was a combination of position, slope, gravity, leverage, and the wedge effect of boulders and brush. Just tell me how many bear hunts you’ve guided in your life and let’s compare? One can’t be too careful. Plus it’s a year old. By the way I believe the best sources for the loads above (which come with stout powder charges) are Underwood Ammunition, DoubleTap Ammunition, and BuffaloBore Ammunition — all available for mail order via the Internet of course. For me two mags meant 34 easy to carry, hard hitting rounds. He said, “Folks, I’ve never hunted bear but I do have 2 .45 long colts a .45 acp and a Smith.357 mag. Underwood load of Extreme Defender and Penetrator 10 mm +P+ (or P++) can get you 740 lb energy (4″ barrel?) The slope, brush, rocks and 400-lb body of the black bear rendered it impossible. Incidentally, I also chronographed Winchester white box 240 grain semi-jacketed soft points in .44 Magnum and found them to be incredibly stout loads. “It’s dead!” Bridger yells. I live and work in bear country (Alaska). My G20 is a shooter. James Reeves alluded to this in our last TFB Round Table when he discussed the Best 9mm Defense Rounds , but the 10mm Auto was birthed due to 9mm being viewed as too weak and inadequate for defense in the 1980s. *Please Note! Two of Smith & Wesson’s ’90s Stainless Metallic Fantastics, Heads-Up Comparison: P365 vs. Hellcat vs. MAX-9 vs. M&P9 Shield Plus, https://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/es/species/mammals/grizzly/bear%20spray.pdf. The bear saw Bridger, turned toward him, and flattened its ears back along its head. I think everyone here including myself other than you would agree this was a total freak deal. No criticism from me save spring fatigue on his mag. honestly hollowpoints vrs a 400lb anything isn’t a good idea, there’s a reason why bear ammo is almost always some form of heavy hardcast if its anything less than a 454 casull, and even then you still want hardcast because penetration is key here, +1 Hollow points are a very stupid idea for large animals. Granted that isn’t always easy to do. You ‘experts’ go 1 on 1 with a provoked large animal , wild or domestic , and then assess an ‘I was there’ moment . It’s called Procrustean research. A couple years later one magazine’s back literally split in half from sitting loaded because early Glock mags are not fully metal lined – the new ones – the ones you are probably using are light years better in build quality than the originals. The mind speeds up and events appear to be happening in slow motion. This was a spooky gosh dang deal! I have killed a few bears in my life and all were killed with one shot. I’m just saying. I would be angry with the hounds for running off and not fighting the bear. If anything, stagger HP wit FMJ. Five strong men couldn’t unlock the bear from Bridger’s leg. Only one of the six people in the helicopter survived. 10mm is plenty for black bear. All four children were with her. Nothing was mentioned about where the first rounds hit. .41 Magnum revolver with 250 grain hardcast lead bullets. No handgun rounds are magic. I believe it’s plenty capable to handle what you did because you did it with man killers not bear ammo. A man who is proficient with his firearm is way more deadly than the biggest baddest cartridge coming out of an uncontrolled environment. A little later, his wife Janelle called. Look, I love my dogs as much as the next guy, but if my corgi or chihuahuas are ever latched on to a 400 lb bear head, there is a chance they’re going to get shot. That is a valid point. Look for 10mm ammo for sale with a wide variety of bullet types as it is a pretty versatile caliber. During the same period, persons In his fast-mind state, he realized that this was bad. Bridger’s sister was visiting and had never seen a bear in the wild. The temperature, even at 6500 feet, was in the upper 80s. Is the Underwood 340 grain +p+ in 44 magnum not too bitchy for yah?. All my close encounters were runners. I’ve read this blog for years and can’t remember ever bothering with a comment. If I ever do go for blacks with dogs it will be with him. The bear released his lower thigh, then grabbed his calf, just below the knee. Because of its unusual color, Bridger’s first thought was to get a video. Once again they didn’t read the whole story before responding. As he landed and turned, the big GLOCK in his hand, and saw the bear coming at him like an over-sized NFL linebacker with claws and big, pointy teeth. He told Janelle to park the vehicles in a little draw while he went up and called off the dogs. My apologies and y’all can now say anything you want I just had to pipe up a little. He’s an effing badass.” Please carry an appropriate firearm with appropriate loads at all times. They each had to stare at my phone and visually inspect the pictures of where it actually happened. At any rate my overwhelming focus is on learning and teaching. First I don't know if this is the best section to post this question as it does not directly involve hunting. I thought a glock could be dipped and covered in all kinds of shit and still work. If the situation could’ve been avoided I promise you I would have done so. Bridger’s son called and asked if he could come with his father to get the dogs. You criticize for not having the right load. He wasn’t guiding a hunt when this freakishly outrageous event transpired. My husband has a Smith & Wesson 357 in the wheelwell of his SUV. 1. Folks, I’ve never hunted bear but I do have 2 .45 long colts a .45 acp and a Smith.357 mag. Of all the wonderful and humbling compliments people have given this is the most humbling and flattering so far. Modern ammunition, both hollow-points (HP) and full-metal jacket (FMJ), are much more downgraded in their power factor compared to how the cartridge was originally designed. He screamed at Janelle to stay away. 10mm for bear, sure with the right load, better than not having a gun, but properly loaded 44mag is very decisive in close, where it will likely be used. hard cast. He was trapped, wedged on the slope between boulders and brush. And this event provides important learning material. I wish you a complete and speedy recovery. Bridger hopped to another boulder, moved around a cedar tree and saw the bear and the dogs. I intend to be capable of shooting through doors if needed. I am sorry that after surviving the bear and sharing your story, you were (are) subjected to the over the top buffoonery from so many self appointed ‘experts’. Yessir any time. (I’d lean .44, personally.). You want some heavy-hard lead to anchor a large bear, and you keep hitting him, until he is. With a Glock 20 you have 15+1 chances to hit something important, with a revolver you generally have 5 or 6. Kudos to you Texican, you’re dumber than those rocks this guy was standing on. I was on the fence about getting a glock 20 for bear defense. But if I’m where they’re likely to be, I’ll toting my Marlin 1895 CB in45-70 Gov’t. Dean did a great job here so take it for what it is and please stop running your mouth! His mistake was carrying Hornady 10mm. I’ve been robbed by thugs on an old Caddy. Might have been more really don’t remember now. Thank you for the relief! But he’s alive and and considering the merits of heavier, deeper-penetrating bullets in 10mm cartridges designed for bear defense, to carry in his GLOCK. Of course, a 45-70 would be the best lever-action rifle, but a .44 Magnum out of a rifle can kill an elephant. This thing will punch through rib, skull and then wreck havoc to the soft tissue organs for massive damage. It was loaded with 175 grain Hornady Critical Duty FlexLock loads. Better than nothing, definitelty, but a simple old school .45-70 or a 12ga with slugs would be infinitely better than any pistol of any caliber. No. The 10mm pistol has the ability to be loaded down to be soft shooting and comfortable with lighter weight bullets, or can literally be loaded for bear with a 220 grain hardcast load from Buffalo bore. ©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included. I keep my magazines full all the time. I believe any of these platforms will give you an extremely high probability of surviving a black bear attack with minimal or no injuries, assuming stout powder loads: Shure and it is good that you pointed it out. Buffalo Bore Hard cast next time big guy! Thank God you live in America where we still have a 2A and a right to life. 15+1 of either of those would serve as a hell of a deterrent to a Black Bear sized predator. Blessings to you and your family as you move forward. The .45 ACP was designed to duplicate the performance of the .45 Colt, so it’s a tossup between those two, EXCEPT that Buffalo Bore makes some great bear defense rounds in .45 Colt (heavy, hard cast lead bullets with a lot of powder behind them), while AFAIK there aren’t any similar bear defense rounds in .45 ACP. Would be interesting to know, penetration and mushroom. God bless you and your family. Used to have to address my oldest brother from slapping me with a dinner plate. I think Tim at MAC needs to add bear hair to his Gauntlet test. It’s very accurate but it is heavy for a weapon you’re unlikely ever to use in self-defense. Lot of these armchair dickheads got no clue about real life on a ranch or in the wild . Just way easier to shoot strait and fast. 6. He cleared the jam while the bear continued to dine on his leg and finally killed the bruin. Another case that convinces me the 10mm is too light for bear defense. Exactly. He could reach back and feel the bear’s jaws and teeth, and something slimy trapped inside the jaws — his calf muscle.

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