cell wall staining description

Gram Stain “Final Exam”: prepare a smear that contains a mixture of the Gram-positive AND Gram-negative bacteria by adding a small amount of each bacterium to a single drop of water on a slide. An overview of the endospore stain procedure is provided in Table 2. Microbiology: A Laboratory Experience by Holly Ahern is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Stains work by increasing the contrast between different cellular components, thereby highlighting specific cell structures. There is also evidence that teichoic acids participate in cell division, by interacting with the peptidoglycan biosynthesis machinery. Endospores can also be directly observed in cells by using phase contrast microscopy, as shown in Figure 8. For these bacteria, the acid–fast staining technique is used. Most heterotrophic and culturable bacteria come in a few basic shapes: spherical cells (coccus/cocci), rod-shaped cells (bacillus/bacilli), or rod-shaped cells with bends or twists (vibrios and spirilla, respectively). Below, describe these characteristics for both bacteria: Some bacteria produce the waxy substance mycolic acid when they construct their cell walls. In contrast to simple stains, differential stains are used to distinguish the difference between bacteria. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, What are the basic characteristics and functions of the cell wall in, What is the Gram stain and how does it relate to the different cell wall types of. After staining, endospores typically appear as light green oval or spherical structures, which may be seen either within or outside of the vegetative cells, which appear pink. Here is a website that shows the actual steps of the Gram stain. How does the mechanism of the Gram stain relate to specific components of the bacterial cell wall. The shape and location of the endospores inside the bacterial cells, along with whether the sporangium is either distending (D) or not distending (ND) the sides of the cell, are important characteristics that aid in differentiating among species (see Figure 9). Typically only the L-isomeric form of amino acids are utilized by cells but the use of the mirror image D-amino acids provides protection from proteases that might compromise the integrity of the cell wall by attacking the peptidoglycan. On the basis of cell wall structure and its staining ability with Gram stain , bacteria are grouped into two categories. Metachromatic granules or other intracytoplasmic bodies: Some bacteria may contain storage bodies that can be stained. Oval, terminal, ND (and parasporal crystal). Cationic dyes bind the bacterial cells which can be easily observed against the bright background. In addition, LPS plays a role in the host response to pathogenic gram negative bacteria. The outer membrane is composed of a lipid bilayer, very similar in composition to the cell membrane with polar heads, fatty acid tails, and integral proteins. Because of the nature of their cell wall, acid-fast bacteria stain red after acid-fast staining. Bacteria belonging to the phylum Chlamydiae appear to lack peptidoglycan, although their cell walls have a gram negative structure in all other regards (i.e. Although often perceived as an inactive product serving mainly mechanical and structural purposes, the cell wall actually has a multitude of functions upon which plant life depends. DR.MD .SAVARKAR 2. These should all be viewed using the oil immersion objective lens. A bacterial smear is simply that—a small amount of culture spread in a very thin film on the surface of the slide. The stain stain used in Gram staining is called Gram stain. The cell walls of gram negative bacteria are more complex than that of gram positive bacteria, with more ingredients overall. What is a porin and what are their functions? It also helps maintain the cell shape, which is important for how the cell will grow, reproduce, obtain nutrients, and move. Endospore-forming bacteria are distinct from other groups of Gram positive bacilli and distinguishable by their endospores. Chemically Gram stain is a weakly alkaline solution of crystal violet or gentian violet. LPS is known to serve many different functions for the cell, such as contributing to the net negative charge for the cell, helping to stabilize the outer membrane, and providing protection from certain chemical substances by physically blocking access to other parts of the cell wall. Developed in 1884, it’s been in use ever since. Only the decolorized cells take up the pink dye safranin, which explains the difference in color between the two types of cells. Although it did little in the way of treatment for the disease, the Gram stain method made it much easier to diagnose the cause of a person’s death at autopsy. This linkage between the two layers provides additional structural integrity and strength. Stain both smears using the Gram stain method. The dye is released from Gram-negative cells. Both live primarily in soil and as symbionts of plants and animals, and produce endospores to survive in an environment that change rapidly and often. Once fully formed, the endospore is released from the cell and may sit dormant for days, weeks, or years. Cat. Let us start with peptidoglycan, since it is an ingredient that both bacterial cell walls have in common. Endospores are dormant forms of living bacteria and should not be confused with reproductive spores produced by fungi. In many gram positive bacteria there is a cross-bridge of five amino acids such as glycine (peptide interbridge) that serves to connect one tetrapeptide to another. At one end the lipoprotein is covalently bound to the peptidoglycan while the other end is embedded into the outer membrane via its polar head. Add several drops of safranin to the smear and allow it to sit for 1 minute. Stainings 1. These structures are produced by a few genera of Gram-positive bacteria, almost all bacilli, in response to adverse environmental conditions. This waxy barrier also prevents stains from penetrating the cell, which is why the Gram stain does not work with mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium, which are pathogens of humans and animals. Decolorizing the cell causes this thick cell wall to dehydrate and shrink, which closes the pores in the cell wall and prevents the stain from exiting the cell. PI binds to DNA by intercalating between the bases with little or no sequence preference. This has an advantage to the cell in providing resistance to β-lactam antibiotics (such as penicillin), which attack peptidoglycan. To perform the acid-fast stain, a heat-fixed smear is flooded with the primary stain carbol fuchsin, while the slide is heated over a steaming water bath. Two of the most important concerns are resolution and contrast. Instead of exoenzymes (like the gram positive bacteria), the gram negative bacteria utilize periplasmic enzymes that are stored in the periplasm. If the stain starts to dry out, add additional drops. Because the endospore coat is highly resistant to staining, a special method was developed to make them easier to see with a brightfield microscope. Gram staining is a common technique used to differentiate two large groups of bacteria based on their different cell wall constituents. Heat fix the smear and Gram stain it. What group of bacteria lack peptidoglycan in their cell wall? He developed a staining procedure that allowed him to identify a bacterium in lung tissue taken from deceased patients as the etiologic agent of a fatal type of pneumonia. Below, write the names of the bacteria you will be using, along with the BSL for each culture: __________________________________________________________________________________. Cells that are “acid-fast” because of the mycolic acid in their cell wall resist decolorization and retain the primary stain. Contrast, however, can be improved by either using a different type of optical system, such as phase contrast or a differential interference contrast microscope, or by staining the cells (or the background) with a chromogenic dye that not only adds contrast, but gives them a color as well. Add several drops of crystal violet to the smear and allow it to sit for 1 minute. There is greater diversity of shapes among Archaea and other bacteria found in ecosystems other than the human body. Endospores are resistant to staining but eventually take up the dye. In a simple stain, dyes that are either attracted by charge (a cationic dye such as methylene blue or crystal violet) or repelled by charge (an anionic dye such as eosin or India ink) are added to the smear. Many dyes, however, require the use of a mordant, a Their conclusion was that the bacterial cell wall wasnot included in the gram-positive area. Essentially, the cell wall is a complex, highly organized structure that defines the shape of a plant cell (it's also found in bacteria, fungi, algae, and archaea).. Flagella Staining. Large molecules are broken down by enzymes, in order to allow them to get past the LPS. Rinse the slide with water. Today we use Gram’s staining techniques to aid in the identification of bacteria, beginning with a preliminary classification into one of two groups: Gram positive or Gram negative. With this method, capsules appear as a clear layer around the bacterial cells, with the background stained dark. Are endospores visible in the Gram stained smear? What purpose can it serve? Teichoic acid is believed to play several important roles for the cell, such as generation of the net negative charge of the cell, which is essential for development of a proton motive force. The Gram-negative cell wall consists of 2-3 interconnected layers of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane. Although Gram didn’t know it at the time, the main difference between these two types of bacterial cells is their cell walls. The acid-fast stain uses three different reagents. They do contain peptidoglycan as well, although only a couple of layers, representing 5-10% of the total cell wall. Some involve a single stain and just a few steps, while others use multiple stains and a more complicated procedure. While there are certain molecules it would like to keep out, such as antibiotics and toxic chemicals, there are nutrients that it would like to let in and the additional lipid bilayer presents a formidable barrier. Once the endospores are stained, they remain green. Rinse the slide with water and blot dry. The cell wall can keep out certain molecules, such as toxins, particularly for gram negative bacteria. As you view these slides, make note of the “highlighted” structures. Both the shape and arrangement of cells are characteristics that can be used to distinguish among bacteria. Unusual and Wall-less Bacteria. Most secondary cell walls are composed of cellulose (40-50%), hemicellulose (25-30%), and lignin (20-30%). This permits the crystal violet dye to escape. Gram staining is used to determine gram status to classifying bacteria broadly based on the composition of their cell wall. Because many differential staining methods require several steps and take a long time to complete, we will not be performing all of the differential staining methods discussed above. The most important of these is the Gram stain. Since peptidoglycan is relatively porous, most substances can pass through the gram positive cell wall with little difficulty. Resolution is a limitation that we can’t do much about, since most bacterial cells are already near the resolution limit of most light microscopes. Rinse the slide and blot dry. may grow aerobically and anaerobically. Various staining methods are used to visualize intracytoplasmic bodies in bacteria, which often provide an identification clue when observed in cells. Two common bacteria that produce endospores are Bacillus or Clostridum. 1.Primary Stain (Carbol Fuchsin): Unlike cells that are easily stained by ordinary aqueous stains, most species of mycobacteria are not stainable with common dyes such as methylene blue and crystal violet. Allow to COMPLETELY air dry and heat fix. We will be performing the Gram stain and endospore staining procedures in lab, and view prepared slides that highlight some of the other cellular structures present in some bacteria. cell wall, gram positive bacteria, gram negative bacteria, Gram stain, peptidoglycan, murein, osmotic lysis, N-acetylglucosamine (NAG), N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM), tetrapeptide, L-alanine, D-glutamine, L-lysine, meso-diaminopimelic acid (DPA), D-alanine, direct cross-link, peptide interbridge, complete cross-linking, teichoic acid, wall teichoic acid (WTA), lipoteichoic acid, exoenzymes, outer membrane, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), O-antigen or O-polysaccharide, core polysaccharide, lipid A, endotoxin, periplasmic enzymes, periplasm, porins, Braun’s lipoprotein, Chlamydiae, Tenericutes, sterols. Cell Wall Definition, Function, Structure, Location, Vs. At the conclusion of the Gram stain procedure, Gram positive cells appear purple, and Gram negative cells appear pink. The peptidoglycan layers are linked to the outer membrane by the use of a lipoprotein known as Braun’s lipoprotein (good ol’ Dr. Braun). Heat fixing is an easy and efficient method, and is accomplished by passing the slide briefly through the flame of a Bunsen burner, which causes the biological material to become more or less permanently affixed to the glass surface. Prepare smears and stain each using the endospore staining technique. Once across the outer membrane and in the periplasm, molecules work their way through the porous peptidoglycan layers before being transported by integral proteins across the cell membrane. But some nutrients are too large, requiring the cell to rely on the use of exoenzymes. The bacterial cell wall performs several functions as well, in addition to providing overall strength to the cell. What is the periplasm of gram negative bacteria? The primary stain ( crystal violet) binds to peptidoglycan, coloring cells purple. When more favorable environmental conditions prevail, endospores germinate and return to active duty as vegetative cells. It is important to note that not all bacteria have a cell wall.

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