destroying historical monuments quotes

To me, having the principal Richmond monuments dedicated to the Lost Cause is like saying we're dedicated to no hope, no future. On such a grid, as we've just seen, Tiruvannamalai stands on longitude 48 degrees east, Angkor stands on longitude 72 degrees east and Sao Pa stands out like a sore thumb on longitude 90 degrees east -- all numbers that are significant in ancient myths, significant in astronomy (through the study of precession), and closely interrelated through the base-3 system. After all, hieroglyphics, like any language, has the potential to be misunderstood. Think about it down through history. To be converted you have to destroy your past, destroy your history. As a historical project, Cut in Stone focuses on the Reconstruction-era South, but Newson’s theological analysis touches more broadly on the nature of historical … Four Confederate monuments were taken down by the city of Baltimore on ... Dr. Allais said. Inasmuch as even the good and the great are contented to surrender the privilege of resting in person in the churches, we may, at least, erect there or in some fair hall near the burying-place, either monuments or monumental writings.”, “People value monuments above men, and signs above works.”, “In that way, they [monuments] are a reflection of the times in which they are erected as much as they are a reflection of the times they seek to commemorate. The Ancient City and the Roman theatre faces a great damag… But if you destroy their history, you destroy their achievements and it's as if they never existed. Death Great Sun. Votes: 1, The lesson of 9/11 is that America is truly exceptional. By what graces the wall of its museums. When the Temple was destroyed, the Jewish people faced a crisis unlike any other in its history. Votes: 1, The deciphering of ancient scripts changed forever the way Europeans were able to imagine the story of humanity, destroying centuries of received authority about the past with repercussions as important for our understanding of time and history as the geological studies of the same period. The Roman theatre was built during the 2nd century AD and it was one of the largest theatres built at that time. Votes: 1, If you look back at the history of the twentieth century, Germany alone had practically destroyed Russia several times. The Historical Marker Database lists more than 13,000 monuments and memorials across the county however it's hard to know precisely how many of … You claim (deliberately or not) that your story matters too. History (2,674 quotes). 8 Ancient Monuments Destroyed By Modern War Stephanie Schoppert - March 27, 2017 . The greater they sound, the more must've got left out.” ― Tim Tharp, … The moon that rose over New Orleans then still rises. "As a historian, I have an interest in keeping monuments as historical sources," Jürgen Zimmerer, professor of global history with a focus on Africa at the University of Hamburg, told DW. say “Destroying historical monuments is horrible but for god’s sake, policemen, stop killing people! Хочете знати, чим насправді була війна — читайте негероїчні історії.”, “The traveler wishing to observe Islamic Spain has his choice of two cities, Granada with its Alhambra or Córdoba with its Great Mosque (in Spanish Mezquita). Thus do the beavers, and the bees; and thus does man.”, “As I studied the e-mail from Glenn Milne, I knew just how ancient the U-shaped structure [found a few kilometers away from the Indian coast] really might be - at least 11,000 years old. “They’re not taking down our monuments,” Trump told reporters at the White House. List Of 183 Monuments Ruined Since Protests Began, And Counting. Now they are destroying our memorials, landmarks and statues to put a death-knell upon the true history of America and pave the way for a complete rewrite of United States history. Of the two former is be a considerable degree the more exciting and also the easier to absorb for its buildings, gardens and geographic settings are immediately recognizable as significant. That's 6000 years older than the first monumental architecture of ancient Egypt or of ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia - traditionally thought of as the oldest civilizations of antiquity. The deciphering of ancient scripts changed forever the way Europeans were able to imagine the story of humanity, destroying centuries of received authority about the past with repercussions as important for our understanding of time and history as the geological studies of the same period. Humor Literature Mystery Nonfiction Novels Paranormal Philosophy Romance Sci-Fi Thriller. They make us aware to what extent architecture is a primitive thing, demonstrating as they do, like the cyclopean remains, the pyramids of Egypt, or the gigantic Hindu pagodas, that architecture's greatest products are less individual than social creations; the offspring of nations in labour rather than the outpouring of men of genius; the deposit let behind by a nation; the accumulation of the centuries; the residue from the successive evaporations of human society; in short, a kind of formation. Why removing historical monuments is a bad idea By Rob Natelson, opinion contributor — 09/20/17 07:40 AM EDT The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill Certainly, no civilization known to history existed in southern India - or anywhere else - 11,000 years ago. Gardiner & Loconte: Defend US statues and monuments – here's what the mobs really want to destroy We should all stand united in the defense of our heritage, culture and the rule of law. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday that taking down historical statues of notable American leaders is “a healthy expression” of anger against historic sins. Why don't they go ahead and change the name of the White House to the West House. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. Throughout human history, it is an idea that seems sometimes to have caused whole populations to rise up and slaughter one another. Death comes to all, but great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold. Presidents quickly realize that while a single act might destroy the world they live in, no one single decision can make life suddenly better or can turn history around for the good. Of course the Republicans have long wanted to privatize Social Security and destroy it. The feeling, at least here...and remains the same.”, “Knowledge can never imprison you, but you can be captive to your ignorance.”, “ON THE BANKS of every great river you’ll find a monument to excess.”, “Ancient monuments are full of wisdom, for they have been filled with what they have seen and heard for hundreds of years!”, “One of the first things that greet your eye in Rouen is the beautiful monument erected to Flaubert in the very wall of the Museum, which is Rouen's holy of holies. Votes: 1, I think humans have always wrestled with the Divine Idea - an idea that unites and separates, creates and destroys, consoles and terrifies. “That's how it is with legends. Votes: 1, When the Temple was destroyed, the Jewish people faced a crisis unlike any other in its history. Votes: 1, History repeats itself, but the special call of an art which has passed away is never reproduced. The history of art is the history of revivals. What is to be seen is thus constantly in the process of vanishing, and the Guide becomes, through an operation common to all mystifications, the very opposite of what it advertises, an agent of blindness.”, “The architect, the sculptor, are highly interested that men should look to their art—to their hand, for a continuance of their being; and, therefore, I should wish to see well-designed, well-executed monuments; not sown up and down by themselves at random, but erected all in a single spot, where they can promise themselves endurance. Edmund Spenser. Each wave of time lays down its alluvium, each race deposits its own stratum on the monument, each individual contributes his stone. It is as utterly gone out of the world as the song of a destroyed wild bird. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. AP Photo/Matt Slocum . Think about America's elite. You have to stamp on it, you have to say 'my ancestral culture does not exist, it doesn't matter.'. It is because they speak of the destruction of an entire city, a society, a nation, a civilisation, and a way of life. So it does what it celebrates.”, “One can tell a great deal about a country by what it remembers. “We repeat, these hybrid constructions are not the least interesting for the artist, the antiquary and the historian. The poets' scrolls will outlive the monuments of stone. !” 3. Joe Biden came out of the basement yesterday for a small gathering in what resembled a high school debate hall. Thus, removing or destroying these monuments provokes and creates riots rather than healing and creating societal bonds. If you look back at the history of the twentieth century, Germany alone had practically destroyed Russia several times. We withstood the worst attack of our history, intended by our enemies to destroy us. Democracy can also. History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created. Think about America's elite. Be it a small house or a mansion of Corinthian columns and wrought-iron lace. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. I have to bring to your notice a terrifying reality: with the development of nuclear weapons Man has acquired, for the first time in history, the technical means to destroy the whole of civilization in a single act. I grew up, as I joke around, in the 'People's Republic of Charlestown' in the city of Boston. Each age has its … My grandparents had been reasonably well-off but they became quite poor, living in an attic apartment. Art is a revolt against fate. Monuments (6 instances) 9 Bible Verses about Monuments. The quickest way to … War has torn apart nations and destroyed civilizations. No, that what he felt in one time in one spot continues. Destroying (458 quotes) Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal. Monuments (131 quotes) To me, the drive for monumentality is as inbred as the desire for food and sex, regardless of how we denigrate it. Thus, in response to Lewis Mumford, I think that our cities are becoming tombstones because we destroy old monuments. Votes: 1, Presidents quickly realize that while a single act might destroy the world they live in, no one single decision can make life suddenly better or can turn history around for the good. Instead, it drew us closer and made us more united. Votes: 7 E. O. Wilson A 35-foot-tall monument to Confederate soldiers in Garfield Park in Indianapolis was … Joe Biden Was Asked About the Destruction of Monuments, Here's His Answer. But from there, before they turned to go back, the monuments appeared close, and they loomed grandly with the background of purple bank and creamy cloud and shafts of golden lightning. Share . God and history will remember your judgment. By Bonchie | Jun 26, 2020 1:15 PM ET . Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal. You can't destroy America by destroying our elite. We withstood the worst attack of our history, intended by our enemies to destroy us. The destruction represents not just the destruction of those immediately living alongside these monuments, but of entire generations. That's what Hitler wants and that's exactly what we are fighting for. Never Old An… “The most compelling evidence for the likelihood that the Great Pyramid was constructed by craftspeople with specialized knowledge and advanced techniques is the precision with which it was built. It is tens of thousands of miles long, and always thronged with grateful travellers. It would take a dull man to miss the point of Granada, for its Alhambra is a museum of Islamic memories.”. For the first time in the history of mankind, one generation literally has the power to destroy the past, the present and the future, the power to bring time to an end. You can think of them, Alderman went on, as monuments to the power of the people who erect them, rather than as solely of the person depicted.”, “Symbol-laden and technologically-driven histories of building were historically interwoven and conceptually compatible. ISIS was destroying monuments of a tolerant past in order to achieve a future of violence and hate… That is … And what holidays and patriotic songs are the bane and balm to generations of school children. Indianapolis. Biography Childrens Classics Contemporary Cultural Fantasy Fiction Historical History Horror. A year after it was taken by ISIS, the Syrian city of Palmyra was recently retaken Syrian forces backed by Russian airstrikes. It’s about pruning them, removing some, contextualizing others and recognizing that there is nothing wrong with a country recognizing that its identity is evolving over time. Quotes from The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History ... Rorimer realized, destroying everything in its path. “And so on this rainbow day, with storms all around them, and blue sky above, they rode only as far as the valley. Share Tweet . It is built broad, straight and firm. Remove its reminders from public spaces, and you are helping to remove it from society. Samuel Butler, Communism destroys democracy. Our love for freedom and one another has given us a strength that surprised even ourselves. “The engineering context of precision where precision is not necessary indicates the existence of sophisticated tools. E. O. Wilson, The history of art is the history of revivals. They want to do away with the heritage of White Settlement and destroy the history of White Settlement. A great memorable quote from the The Monuments Men movie on - Frank Stokes: You can wipe out an entire generation, you can burn their homes to the ground and somehow they'll still find their way back. For centuries, the sacrificial system had served as the primary medium of atonement before the Almighty. Votes: 0, Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal. God and history will remember your judgment. They were like that love. T he orgiastic glee with which protesters tore down, then beat up, a century-old monument to a generic Confederate soldier in Durham, N.C., this week was alarming. And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God; and he took a large stone and set it up there … They seemed like sentinels — guardians of a great and beautiful love born under their lofty heights, in the lonely silence of day, in the star-thrown shadow of night. The quickest way to fail is to murder your mind with negative thoughts!”, “Remarkable, if for nothing else, because of this, that all of those men and women who stayed for any reason left behind them some monument, some structure of marble and brick and stone that still stands; so that even when the gas lamps went out and the planes came in and the office buildings crowded the blocks of Canal Street, something irreducible of beauty and romance remained; not in every street perhaps, but in so many that the landscape is for me the landscape of those times always, and walking now in the starlit streets of the Quarter or the Garden District I am in those times again. It stands for the right to destroy itself. “If we impose on a map of the earth a 'world grid' with Giza (not Greenwich) as its prime meridian, then hidden relationships become immediately apparent between sites that previously seemed to be on a random, unrelated longitudes. Verse Concepts. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part … Genius survives; all else is claimed by death. Think about it down through history. Most Relevant Verses. Votes: 1, You can't destroy America by destroying our elite. It joins city with city and nation with nation. Tweet . Votes: 2, History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created. Previously home to many of the world's most treasured historical sites, many artifacts were destroyed by the Islamist forces in an anti iconoclastic purge. Often in the United States the issues of race and the centrality of African American culture are given short shrift in textbooks, popular chronicles, and national memories.”, “To select only monuments supresses at one stroke the reality of the land and that of its people, it accounts for nothing of the present, that is, nothing historical, and as a consequence, the monuments themselves become undecipherable, therefore senseless. How many more monuments and minds have to get smashed before people who genuinely love their country gain the courage to start fighting effectively … “If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. Besides there is something very fitting in the idea of commemorating together the master and the pupil who surpassed him.”, “People create all kind of fancy watches and clocks, never stopping to realize they're building monuments to the greatest of all thieves.”, “I always thought that would be really neat if black people ever got control of the United States we would, of course, tear down some of the statues because we just don't like all of Richmond would probably not have a statue standing.”, “I've been here in Richmond for six years and I still don't get it. Our love for freedom and one another has given us a strength that surprised even ourselves. The Ancient City of Bosra is famous among the tourist for its beautiful Roman theatre. But Social Security has been the most important and valuable social program in the history of the United States. Destroying (458 quotes). It runs across mountain, marsh and river. Subramanian Swamy. I suppose that is the nature of the monument. Votes: 1, Of course the Republicans have long wanted to privatize Social Security and destroy it. Monuments differ in different periods. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. I believein death, destruction, chaos, filth and greed. Some, like the American history professor John Fabian Witt at Yale, believe that the events in Charlottesville and President Trump’s statements about them will lead to the eradication of many more historical monuments. Instead, it drew us closer and made us more united. Votes: 7 “The symbols help sustain racist policies and racist policies help sustain the symbols,” James Grossman, the executive director of the American Historical Association, said of the statues. Votes: 4 Monument Quotes - BrainyQuote. All art is a revolt against. But Social Security has been the most important and valuable social program in the history of the United States. Democratic New York Gov. It stands for the right to destroy itself. Votes: 1, All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. Death Genius Stone. They want to do away with the heritage of White Settlement and destroy the history of White Settlement. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The city is situated 40km east of Daraa and about 140 Km south of Damascus. And as this identity evolves, so does what it remembers. It’s learning from it. Regardless of how "afraid," or 'unsafe," people might feel due to the historical nature of any monument the destruction of those monuments erase … It's like having a monument to unrequited love.”, “Героїчні історії перетворюють бруд війни на повоєнну позолоту пам'ятників. Yet the U-shaped structure off the Tranquebar-Poompuhur coast invites us to consider the possibility that it was the work of a civilization that archaeologists have as yet failed to identify - one whose primary ruins could have been missed because they are submerged so deep beneath the sea.”. Ancient monuments 300 to 1000-plus years old are never 'renovated,' only 'restored,' a distinction that escapes the babus. Destroying Confederate monuments isn’t ‘erasing’ history. It is as utterly gone out of the world as the song of a destroyed wild bird. History repeats itself, but the special call of an art which has passed away is never reproduced. All of the destruction of monuments in recent history has been due to people disliking the facts behind these reminders. This is the fractal of our flag. Welcome back. Georg Fabricius. Nowhere else in history has there ever been a flag that stands for the right to burn itself. To the advocates of historic cleansing, this is about racism. Yet one learns even more about a nation by what it forgets. We have to think about who is doing the destruction for what purposes. For the first time in the history of mankind, one generation literally has the power to destroy the past, the present and the future, the power to bring time to an end. And while the Great Pyramid, a few hundred feet high and wide, awes sight-seers to silence—though it is only the rifled tomb of an ignoble corpse and a monument of oppression and misery, so that no doubt in viewing it you may still seem to hear the crack of the taskmaster's whip and the squeals and groans of the poor workmen struggling to set a huge block of stone into position——”, “A positive mind is the sharpest tool that brings down the monuments of failure. “A positive mind is the sharpest tool that brings down the monuments of failure. Most monuments torn down were not by protesters, but by city officials after pressure or threats from protesters. Votes: 1, If a strong government finds that it can, with impunity, destroy a weak people, then the hour has struck for that weak people to appeal to the League of Nations to give its judgment in all freedom. This is the fractal of our flag. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. Statues on a … Book of the Law Writing. The views they harbor are killed, and replaced with ones we agree with. From New Zealand to Belgium, people are destroying monuments that celebrate a colonial past. For centuries, the sacrificial system had served as the primary medium of atonement before the Almighty. I think humans have always wrestled with the Divine Idea - an idea that unites and separates, creates and destroys, consoles and terrifies. “Those statues legitimate racism. On July 9, 1984, the roof of York Minster was engulfed in flames. My grandparents had been reasonably well-off but they became quite poor, living in an attic apartment. They legitimate violence against Black people, because slavery was a system of violence against Black people. Defenders of the memorials are the ones trying to forget the past. “Endow your monuments according to your wealth. Votes: 1, Nowhere else in history has there ever been a flag that stands for the right to burn itself. “Make your monuments [worthy] of the god, This keeps alive their maker’s name,..”. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. The Maupassant statue at rouen is, I think, quite as impressive as that in Paris—perhaps more so—and it is even more happily placed. The place also comes under UNESCO world heritage sites. So for me, it is about making sure we don’t forget what those statues symbolize. Destroy our elite, and about half the time, you're doing us a favor. I am imprinted with the whole sense of European history, especially German history, going back to World War I, which really destroyed all the old values and culture. Just across from him, in front of a dense cluster of sycamores, is his friend and pupil Guy de Maupassant. What moments of evil, disappointment, and defeat are downplayed or eliminated from the national narratives. As long as the monuments stand, it still rises. York Minster fire of 1984. These have not been found in the archaeological record, but the existence of them must be taken into account when we consider the mountain of circumstantial evidence to support their use. This precision reveals more about the true nature of its builders than any inscription or cartouche. You have to stamp on it, you have to say 'my ancestral culture does not exist, it doesn't matter.' There are other ways to voice discontent for a certain view or ideology without censoring it or destroying it. It was … It is only through luck and perseverance that ruins from the ancient world continue to survive today. Throughout human history, it is an idea that seems sometimes to have caused whole populations to rise up and slaughter one another. The lesson of 9/11 is that America is truly exceptional. Trees Oaks. The monument does not say that this or that man walked here. Votes: 0, Why don't they go ahead and change the name of the White House to the West House. National Socialism adopted just this convergence of the symbolic and the technological as a program, and this made it impossible ever after to pursue such a program.”, Willa Cather in Europe: Her Own Story of the First Journey, Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy Like My Sister Kate: Looking At The Harlem Renaissance Through Poems, Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt, Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms, A Fool's Errand: Creating the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the Age of Bush, Obama, and Trump, Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick: Stories from the Harlem Renaissance, Down Along with That Devil's Bones: A Reckoning with Monuments, Memory, and the Legacy of White Supremacy. There is no way to ignore the accuracy of this stonecutting, despite Egyptologists' interpretations of the inscriptions found in pyramids or temples in Egypt. As Bond puts it, “destroying statues has always happened and we continue to know about these people in the historical record. Votes: 1, To be converted you have to destroy your past, destroy your history. Instead I would run to kiss you and leave monuments on you:-, “Removing statues in many ways is about finding a more accurate history, a history that is more keeping with the best scholarship that we have out there. Votes: 1, I am imprinted with the whole sense of European history, especially German history, going back to World War I, which really destroyed all the old values and culture. “It is certainly true that ‘actions speak louder than words,’ but words become as monuments to thoughts.”, “The Roman Road is the greatest monument ever raised to human liberty by a noble and generous people. It can hold up to 15 thousand spectators. Votes: 1, I have to bring to your notice a terrifying reality: with the development of nuclear weapons Man has acquired, for the first time in history, the technical means to destroy the whole of civilization in a single act. Joshua 24:26. If a strong government finds that it can, with impunity, destroy a weak people, then the hour has struck for that weak people to appeal to the League of Nations to give its judgment in all freedom.

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