doctor who ruined by sjw

His James Marsters form wasn’t his true form, he simply assumed it to blend in with humanity, and manipulate Clark and later Lex. You might be thinking that I am equally sexist as I do not want a woman to play the Doctor, but its different. They most certainly did not seem like a gender neutral species. Also the constant claims that Moffat promotes sexual assault are hypocritical too. Furthermore as Missy literally hands over her Cyber army to the Doctor as a present, with no fail safe, she is beaten by a no thanks. The majority of viewers don’t want a female Doctor and truth be told they are scared at the prospect. FFS you can get arrested for carrying out hate crimes! The writers have no imagination. But again why do I feel there is a bit of a double stand here from feminist fans? He naturally thought Hellbent was shit. Romana was a character introduced near the end of the 70’s. Also in The End of Time he risks freeing the Time Lords, the Daleks and all the other horrors of the time war in order to gain control of them. Limits help to define a character more anything else. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th - One companions each. Moffat’s last season next year, and the Olympics this year. Its a silly idea, but even worse is the idea that the Master can go from hating the Doctor to the point where his hatred for him keeps him alive, when he has no skin, to wanting to jump his bones because he has now become a woman. If he has a grand daughter surely he had a child, what became of them? Another prominent female Doctor advocate is Gaby Dunn, a woman who works for Buzzfeed. Capaldi also wanted a retro TARDIS to feature in one of his stories. The Doctor will use guns and weapons if need be. Kill the Moon, long regarded as one of the weakest Doctor Who stories ever made has Clara be responsible for the human race’s survival until the end of time. Thus Pertwee and Delgado always played it as such and it was planned in Delgado’s last adventure as the Master, called The Final Game to reveal that the two time lords were brothers. What became of them in the time war? In fact the Chinese character in Talons of Weng Chiang is portrayed as a very complex, and even sympathetic villain who is given a moving death scene. Moffat’s last season next year, and the Olympics this year. He can’t attack her physically when she does horrible things in front of him, and he, it is strongly implied has romantic feelings for her too (why else would he kiss her, particularly when its said that the 12th Doctor doesn’t like physical contact with anyone). I’m not saying that there wasn’t some sexism in Old Who, but by and large it was a show that was decades ahead of its time in its portrayal of women. I would love to hear your opinion on the amount of PC bull that was in series 10 with Bill. Also as he did make the companion such a prominent figure in the show, to the point where each series was their story rather than the Doctors. My sisters stand by and agree with her while she goes on these tirades. Moff ironically initially managed to find the perfect balance for the series. So then why don’t we change the TARDIS every week and do away with the police box permanently? Thor, Wolverine and Iron Man have all been replaced by female versions (who have all battled strawman anti feminists too. The only reason to change his sex is for ideological reasons. Its one thing to trash a guys work, but to slander him as someone who promotes rape in his scripts goes beyond that. He’s not like say James Bond who has a gun holster on him and whips out a pistol at the first option, or Angel who has a massive weapons cabinet in his hotel filled with knives, axes, stakes, swords and even later shotguns. Another notable pro female Doctor advocate is Tabetha Wallace. Now Whovian Feminism whose real name is Alyssa is a blogger that has interviewed members of the New Who production team like Rachel Talalay, who directed every single finale of the Peter Capaldi era, and writer Sarah Dollard. Well that’s an arrogant position, what would they need to do to ‘demonstrate’ it? TANYA: But you got your mum up walking again. Not to mention that The Master as a character has been all over the place for years, so that template for who The Master should be is just rubbish! Many old school feminists such as Christina Hoff Sommers and Ayan Hirsi Ali have criticised aspects of third wave feminism. Also when the third Doctor was regenerating K’Napo says to Sarah “he will become a new man” again if there was a 50/50 chance he would become a woman wouldn’t it have been a new person? They shortlist women and minorities into high influential positions. They may look human but they’re NOT human, so changing gender every few regenerations might be entirely normal for them. In her first series Clara is retconed into being the hero of every Doctor Who story ever made. I could relate to the characters and situations a lot more. Finally in 2016 it was announced that Doctor Who would be taken off the air for an entire year. To start with many of the stories that year focus on Clara, and are even set within her place of work too. Well to start with I’ve never really thought that argument had much merit anyway. She’s also said that she hopes Ayaan Hirsi Ali (a true feminist champion) gets her vagina taken away from her and gets the shit kicked out of her too! Now I don’t think Russell T Davies is one of the worst examples of a social justice warrior. I’m not saying there is no racism, sadly there will always be bigoted A-holes, but no institutionalised racism against anyone and so no I don’t think representation matters, and furthermore I think still pretending it does is bad as it leads to people being fired from their job in the name of diversity. The funny thing is why is this logic never applied in reverse. But honestly I’ve always thought that a female Dr Who might work quite well if done properly, it has nothing to do with feminism or sjw mentality, to me the character is an alien so I simply dont have any ingrained, entrenched notions of what they *must* be. Replies (0) 2 4. weagle99 Valparaiso Fan Member since Nov 2011 31973 posts. However he tries to kill him in Terror of the Autons, The Mind of Evil, sells him out to the Axons in The Claws of Axos, goads Azal into killing the Doctor, and is quite enthusiastic about it. Suicide is the leading killer for young men in today’s society. In the finale of the series Clara even took the Doctor’s place in the opening credits and was billed first instead of him. The moment however is able to resist his control being sentient, and summons the Doctor for help. Finally the journalist Caitlin Moran who has also expressed anti men sentiments many times is in favour a female Doctor too. He obviously can’t succeed in ruling the universe, but he can succeed in escaping the Doctors plan to kill him. Added to that here are interviews from the cast of Moffat era Who and the BBC themselves trying to refute the claims, showing that the STFU Moffat type of fans are not just seen as internet trolls by the makers of the show. IMO they are just as bad. People are willing to get angry over Godzilla being changed in the 98 remake because it ditches all of the time honoured traits of that character, like his firey breath, being indestructable, so why is Missy not viewed with the same universal revulsion? Her whole thing is that she is a cute nerd girl, but again its only male led series she watches by and large. 3/ It opens up such a can of worms. Of course Buzzfeed themselves who Gabby works for were all in favour of a female Doctor and produced videos and articles arguing for it (and took part in the smear campaign against Steven Moffat.). I just hate a female Doctor because I think its a silly idea creatively. They were NOT written as genderless characters. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. On your last point of a new show airing a time-lady, I agree, I would love that. They are afraid if they stand up for themselves and defend their geeky interests, they will look like sad gits whose whole life revolves around Star Trek or Doctor Who. The article constantly goes on about how awful it is that the Doctor is the hero in his own show simply because he is a man! The companions aren’t so much characters anymore just ways of being more important than the last. He then plays footage of his torture to Batman whilst taunting him and Batman explodes with rage, and beats the Joker almost to death declaring at one point “I’LL BREAK YOU IN TWO!”. I’d take JNT producing the show over Moffat for instance anyday. So why can he not do one this year. Instead 12 is the easiest on her. Also how will the Daleks react when their greatest enemies return? This season we’re going to get another earth ending buildup. It doesn’t make sense that he left because he was scared of a prophecy that he didn’t even mention, never mind do anything about for 50 years? Already read it. Imagine if someone commented here and I just dismissed them as “okay black guy whatever you say”. I will say since writing this I’ve turned against many of the anti SJWs I used in this article. How could the Master possibly be a sexist in a society which had no gender identity? Okay yes she did have the powers from the crack in her bedroom wall, but they were often just used as a plot device to get her and the Doctor out of a sticky situation, such as in the season 6 finale. Now you might be thinking well the RTD era was one of the most popular so feminism didn’t exactly kill Doctor Who. Another example of Moffat replacing male roles with female characters is the new UNIT family who are all women. The Burned Master who declared that he will become the master of all matter? Now I have tried to be positive with Doctor Who as it is my favourite show. However, I think if the show gets any worse, it’ll be easier to go back to the beginning than to keep going forward. That is the Master’s basic motivation. As for the Doctor, in Survival he is happy to die on the Cheetah planet in order to kill the Doctor, whilst in the 96 movie he spits back in his face when the Doctor offers to help him. Again is anyone going to say “we need to get young men who like sci fi interested in Sex and the City that will broaden our demographic. People often use the fact that a lot changed during the first 4 Doctors era’s, but they miss the point that during those 4 era’s the show was still establishing itself. This might seem like a small thing to complain about at first, but its actually very bad. The Doctor lets him go because he likes him or rather her. However even then there was more of a reason behind it, as the Doctor and the Master were the last two time lords left in existence. Why not look at a show like Xena or Buffy that focuses on a female empowerment instead? Here’s a rather interesting video on the differences between men and women by Blair White a trans woman. In 900 years by the portal he doesn’t think to ask them for help. PS its not transphobic to acknowledge the differences between men and women either. However at the same time the Doctors gender has really become a part of the template of his overall character by default. Now on to your pints, but sorry they are hollow. Its funny that Moffat has now done both things in the actual show. What a load of bullshit. At least the sex crazed male Callisto with a thing for Xena’s breasts wouldn’t actually be connected to the original version played by Hudson Leick. That is a crock of shit and you know it. If anything I’d argue that their criticisms are listened to the most, probably because they are political in nature and because they are more personal. Janeway meanwhile was a new character, not Kirk who’d been turned into a woman against his will. Now, the doctor can show her true potential as savior of the universe without all that ‘male ego’ to hold her back. He also greeses his way up to being in a high position of power by making himself Prime Minister the same way Delgado and the burned Master did. I’m certainly not a sexist, a misogynist. Alien film series, Xena, Buffy, Wonder Woman tv series, The Bionic Woman,  The Bride with White Hair film series, The Dead and the Deadly, The Heroic Trio film series, A Chinese Ghost Story film and tv series series, Underworld film series, Terminator,Terminator 2, Terminator 3, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Earth 2, Star Trek Voyager, Once Upon A Time,  The Survivors (both the original and the remake) Charmed, Relic Hunter, Charlies Angels, film and television series, Cleopatra 2525, Tru Calling, Dollhouse, Ghost Whisperer, Nikita, Dark Angel, Alias, Jessica Jones, and many more. (And THAT was what being a geek was all about. In addition to emasculating the central male character of the Doctor and replacing almost every male role in the show bar the Doctor with women (which will probably happen in 2018 if Capaldi decides to leave with Moffat.) I’m not saying that Peter Capaldi is bad looking or anything, but his characterisation of the Doctor obviously isn’t romantic. Hell I had many problems with him too, but still there was a definite wave of feminist attacks against Moffat’s work that got a little too personal. I’m not saying that there wasn’t some sexism in Old Who, but by and large it was a show that was decades ahead of its time in its portrayal of women. She was easier to beat than The Curse of Fatal Death Master. May he RIP. Not only does it change a fundamental part of his character, that he is the rebel who defied his own people (the most powerful race in the universe’s) rules and that he loves to explore. To be fair there has always been a self loathing streak among nerds in general, which is why SJW’s have been able to lock their talons around the sci fi genre. Sometimes a complete change can be great like Genesis of the Daleks, but again I can justify why Genesis was great without just saying “its different”. Did Rassilon punish the Master? Some students knew that they wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher. They demonstrate how sadly in modern society if you shriek the loudest, are willing to actually slander people like Steven Moffat, Peter Davison and famous Doctor Who fan Ian Levine who has also been derided as a sexist and a bigot after his outburst against Jodie’s casting on twitter. The soap opera audience is not going to want a companion like Leela who comes from a jungle planet, or a companion like Jamie who comes from the Scottish Highlands over 300 years ago. Patrick Troughton ruined Hartnell’s Legacy. It ends with an agree or die deal for the humans. The Doctor has stood up for victims of bullies no matter who they were. He also established himself in a position of power as the Prime Minister and used this position to frame the Doctor as a terrorist. The Doctor will do bugger all and give you a big sloppy wet kiss later. Here are two from Mr Tardis and Who Addicts Reviews which are both absolutely scathing. The Doctor who can be killed or the completely unbeatable Clara? TANYA: Always so optimistic. Apparently there was a 50/50 chance of the Second Doctor turning into either Patrick Troughton or Beyonce. Now you might argue that with time lords this doesn’t matter as they are after all aliens so why can’t they be gender fluid. 37. We see this in Hartnell’s Doctor who leaves Susan when he realises that she wants to settle down somewhere, Troughton’s and Pertwee’s Doctor’s who hate the thought of being exiled to earth, Tom’s Doctor who hates having to go on mission’s for the time lords or the Brigadier, even Matt’s Doctor who can’t stand hanging around Amy and Rory’s flat for a week. With Missy it was literally “sorry I don’t want your Cyber army” and that was that. Part of the role of the companion is to ask the Doctor questions so he can explain what is going on to the viewers. Many of them were in the top 10 video charts. The Burned Master was in two stories too, and Roberts was in ONE film. Still the SJW’s often claimed that those scenes promoted sexual assault against women, as they would encourage the young boys who watched the show, and looked up to the Doctor, to emulate his behaviour and force themselves on girls they liked. APRIL: White people what? Pingback: O Infernos dos Roteiristas – Depósito do Tempo – Arquivo Ômega. Most of the time its his companions or guest characters that save the day. Not to mention that The Master as a character has been all over the place for years, so that template for who The Master should be is just rubbish!”. He had already taken the form of Kara Kent in Season 7 to manipulate Lex. I think this better than anything else how feminism has crippled the show. Mr Tardis is a Star Trek fan, loves comic book heroes (particularly Spider-Man) and is a devoted fan of the films of Sam Raimi and Tim Burton. I’ve always struggled with watching old Who because my first doctor was Nine and it’s always been difficult to go back to Hartnell. Contrary to popular belief, the character of the Doctor can not change into absolutely anyone. That way they will never have been guilty of, in their minds, internalised misogyny. The return of Susan was in fact the only fanboy wish of Peter Capaldi’s that Steven Moffat didn’t grant to him during his time in the TARDIS. I do think there is perhaps a certain sense of misplaced guilt among the feminist fans who want a female Doctor. Again though please don’t think that SJW friendly is the same as having non white, non male heroes as one of those articles seems to suggest. I firmly believe we can thank them for things such as Brexit and Trump, because what SJWs refuse to own, is that to many people in the middle ground politically, the social Marxism they represent is far more repulsive than the alternatives. Its become a running joke in fact among fans whenever a new female character is announced that everybody thinks/hopes she is really the Rani in disguise. Okay yes she did have the powers from the crack in her bedroom wall, but they were often just used as a plot device to get her and the Doctor out of a sticky situation, such as in the season 6 finale. Even the genius aspiring doctor has crushes on boys and knows how to cook. This story would be perfect in my opinion as it would remove Missy from the Master’s chronology, bring the original Master back who would be played by an actor who was right for the role and we wouldn’t even need to lose Gomez from the show if we didn’t want to. And there is plenty more where that came from. Did she have an easy life with David? For 50 plus years the Doctor and the Master clearly had a gender. The Bechdel Test measures how sexist something is by looking at how often women talk about something other than a male character, and obviously the more they talk about something other than men the better. Pearl Mackie seems great (her acting in Thin Ice seemed to be on point), but Bill Potts is gay tokenism. Granted they probably won’t be doing much talking anyway, but still according to the Bechdel test Hot Bitches 3 is very feminist, whilst Alien which features one of the greatest heroines of all time isn’t. But so far its just been a generic “all change is good.”. Note: Here’s a good defence of Missy if people want to check it out: Thus the show is in a bad place where on the one hand if it tries to break out of a deeply rooted pattern then viewers will be unhappy because it isn’t Doctor Who to them whilst on the other people are getting bored of the pattern. Again though please don’t think that SJW friendly is the same as having non white, non male heroes as one of those articles seems to suggest. With this in mind then its obvious that the Doctor can not be absolutely anyone. There are differences between men and women. Hartnell was too ill, it was the only way the show could go on, it technically didn’t contradict much, as nothing had been revealed about the Doctors race, and home planet. While there is always a smattering of assholes to prove this type of attitude does exist, they aren’t even close to a majority. You hurt his little friend he will at least knock your teeth out and smash you through a window. Missy if anything was the biggest argument against a female Doctor. Roberts was more animalistic and savage, but he still followed the template. Now Whovian Feminism has certainly expressed many misandiristic opinions over the years. Simon Templeman meanwhile would have been a perfect charming, arrogant, suave Master, whilst Jason Watkins would also have been a suitably creepy Master too. This is similar to many science fiction worlds. Look at Blaire White, Milo Yiannopolous, Douglas Murray, Camile Pagilia, Shoe On Head, TJ Kirk, Tree of Logic, all LGBT people and all are among the most high profile critics of SJWs and identity politics. Ultimately I think that has come about solely to appease the feminists who complained that it was sexist for the show to focus on the Doctor, the main character, simply because he was a man. Some fans have argued that there was always a gay aspect to the Doctor and the Master’s relationship but this is as big a denial of reality as saying that there was no romantic aspect to Missy and 12’s relationship. One episode even sees them transferred into Lana Lang, a character that has been accused of being a creators pet by fans of the show, and even then she is still shown to abuse Clark’s powers to the point where she goes mad, and has to have them removed. Or Peter Capaldi, who nearly singlehandedly ruined the show.... Back to top. Just audition the role to men and women and cast whoever is the best for the part right? In the season 9 finale the time lord character known as The General regenerates from a white man into a black woman, and the first thing she says is. At the same time the companion is also limited by the format RTD established. These things like Doctor Who and Xena are what they are. Take a look at Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 3/ Missy needs to be wiped from the Master’s chronology. Nowadays in Doctor Who, people are not cast because they are right for the role, but just for Moff to virtue signal. Remember that white people do still make up the overwhelming majority of people in the United Kingdom. I’m only saying that because its often brought up in articles smearing him as proof of why he can’t write women and minorities, and also because I have found that a lot of their criticisms against him are just as applicable to RTD who was a homosexual, yet only was he never subject to the same kind of hate. Indeed they already gave the Brig a female replacement in the 80’s and I, nor anybody else cared. Why was that the only one you stamped your foot down on evidently and didn’t do? I think its interesting when you look at these reviews from fans of the most recent season finale Hellbent. So sadly we do get this horrible double standard where we are constantly told how marvellous it is that little girls have someone they can look up to, whilst anyone who is upset that little boys have lost a character to look up to is abused as a disgusting sexist, and chased off of twitter like Peter Davison. They just throw in a bit of anti capitalism crap to virtue signal. Now you might argue that with time lords this doesn’t matter as they are after all aliens so why can’t they be gender fluid. I LOVE Osgood. The reason that it works in Brainiac’s case is because it makes sense with his character. He included strong roles for women in all of his Doctor Who stories, he planned to produce a Dalek spin off series that would have starred a woman, he did later produce the first ever British genre series to star a woman, Survivors in the 70’s. Still, after she revealed herself as the Master, something didn’t feel right. hide. Admittedly, it’s been quite awhile since I watched low-quality fan-translated episodes with my college girlfriend on a 10″ computer screen. APRIL: White people what? Missy meanwhile does not fit in with the template in any way. Classic Who’s formula endured for close to 30 years because it was more basic. He does so unconsciously however, but still that’s meant to explain why he chose to be young as Matt Smith and David Tennant (because he wanted to be accepted.) But its not okay to have all the different versions of a male character remain male? Hence why the TARDIS is still a blue box, hence why the Daleks, Cybermen, UNIT, The Master, Davros, and the Sontarans all appear with every or at least multiple Doctors, hence why we also still don’t know the Doctors name! If the Doctor could have morphed into a woman at any point in his previous 12 regenerations then I feel he would have had to have been written and played as more gender neutral from either the start or a very early point. Imagine if Peter Capaldi kicked Michelle Gomez in the ribs and sent her crashing head first through some chairs. Comment sections are always full of trolls. Will the Doctor have to stop him from carrying out the final sanction again? Such a shame. Ironically no one has any problems, even with a character changing from a man to a woman, never mind just with a strong female hero, or villain as people like Whovian Feminism claim. To suddenly turn him into a woman would seem jarring after 50 years, feel forced and look out of place, as much as if we had him reveal his true name or decide to stop travelling. With Missy however the Doctor knows that Gallifrey survived the war. That all being said, I have a question: Will the female “Doctor” have intelligent male companions who saved the day while she looks like an incompetent boob (or pair of boobs)? Thanks for reading, here are some other videos by disgruntled fans that voice similar complaints about the show’s feminist pandering. In addition to the falling ratings, the shows A I score is down. Really the Doctors gender has become a core part of his personality by default, simply because he has been a man for the past 50 years. If she was just kissing him to mess with him then why did she let him kiss her and enjoy it? Once he finds it the real Master summons all of the Masters, his followers who will be his army. Sadly RTD evidently felt that most women viewers were like Sue, which is why he made the show the way he did. Just because Time Lords are shapeshifters does not mean they have no gender. So many people actually say she channels Roger Delgado the first actor to play the Master, which is sheer insanity! Peter Capaldi Snubbed By National Television Awards. Ironically there is a wage gap between male and female models but no-one ever wants to talk about that. We liked the character of the Doctor because he was adventurous, brave, and a hero that could look after himself. She slaps him across the face in two episodes and threatens to hit him so hard that he would regenerate in another. Now tell me is that fair? Big difference between a female led story like Alien and and SJW movie like Ghostbusters 2016. And I said “isn’t that tough”, and Bob said. Also as he did make the companion such a prominent figure in the show, to the point where each series was their story rather than the Doctors. Some have said this is because he loves the character of Clara, but to be honest I don’t think he likes her as much as he did Amy. I honestly can’t see any value in it. Well to start with mainstream viewers didn’t know who The Autons, The Macra, The Ice Warriors, the Sisterhood of Karn, Rassilon, the Silurians or The Great Intelligence were either who have all been brought back. A change has to have some justification. I think he is based on what I have read probably a decent guy. “Well they never said that they couldn’t turn into Dinosaurs did they?”. I was so sure I was right. Why if they have no gender identity (which is the shit the female Doctor and Missy have brought in) was the Master a sexist? Trigger Warning Sexual Assault in Doctor Who, Problematic Posters for Doctor Who Series 8, Why Does the Man Behind Doctor Who and Sherlock Still Have a Job, Steven Moffat and his problem with representing people of colour, Steven Moffat Explains Why He Is So Bad At Writing Women, Because You Are Not Autistic You Aren’t Complaining. Finally he was also established as being a body snatcher too as he already tried to take over Kara Kent in season 7. But I think that ultimately we’re going to just have to agree to disagree because I honestly dont see anything wrong – from a lore perspective – with the Doctor acting exactly like a male when regenerated into a male, a female when regenerated into a female or a Dinosaur when / if regenerated into a dinosaur. Sadly this way would have to write out the John Simm Master too. Thus sci fi fans will only be too happy to distance themselves from their love of the genre and never stick up for it if its under attack.

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