foundation detail section

Concrete Masonry Basement Wall with Exterior Insulation, Footing Detail, Figure 2-12S. The first two systems can be applied as negative-side or positive-side waterproofing. Depending on site conditions and depth of the foundation wall, positive side waterproofing can either be installed from the exterior or directly to the lagging in a blind-side application prior to placing concrete. Surcharge loadings may include live loads from pedestrian walkways or from vehicular roadways. Figures 2-12S and 2-12F illustrate a concrete masonry foundation wall with exterior insulation. Should you have any questions or comments on the WBDG, please feel free to contract our team at Figures 2-11F and 2-11S illustrate a concrete foundation with exterior insulation. One potential disadvantage is the inability of some liquid products to span cracks or opening of construction joints, which may occur on new buildings soon after application. Nov 9, 2017 - Detail Drawings and Specifications for submission to Building Regulations. The effectiveness of this initial screen in shedding moisture may influence the design of the other components of the system. For foundation wall applications, typical cold applied fluid applied systems are approximately 60 mils in thickness. Environmental Control Functions—The exterior environment that the foundation wall is subjected to includes environmental control loadings such as thermal, moisture, tree roots, insects, and soil gas. Concrete Masonry Basement Wall with Exterior Insulation, Sill Detail. Info. Foundation Detail Drawings. This is a detail of an exterior wall finished with stucco at the foundation. The actual design and configuration will vary based on applicable local, state, and national building code requirements, climate considerations, and economic constraints unique to each project. Woven products are constructed using individual threads or filaments and have good strength and stiffness; however, the material can be penetrated by angular aggregate reducing the ability to properly filter or separate fine elements. Typical hydrostatic and soil pressures generally range from 30 to 62.4 psf per foot of depth. Possibility of excavation nearby 5. by Mark Postma, PE, Carl Walker, Inc. © 2021 National Institute of Building Sciences. Bentonite clays act as waterproofing by swelling when exposed to moisture thus becoming impervious to water. Soil loadings vary with soil type and whether soil is treated as active or passive. Drainage pipe should have a slope of at least 0.5%, but preferably 1.0%. All drain tile piping should be laid onto large, river-washed aggregate stones, which is laid onto a filter fabric, which should be wrapped around and over the drain tile to try to prevent fine soils from filling the drain tile. Tap to unmute. The width of a trench foundation can be reduced to 450mm if ground conditions permit, although the bricklayer may struggle to lay the bricks and blocks in a narrow trench. Permissible Arrangement of Strip Footings. 2. The key question that remains is whether to provide dampproofing or waterproofing to the surface of the foundation wall or not at all. Proper design to connect downspouts into perimeter drain systems directly instead of flowing onto the area directly adjacent to the foundation wall is prudent in design. View Now While the first control of these abnormal load events are through security entry control systems and restricted access, structural design considerations may also be required in the design of the foundation wall system. Sheet products are advantageous in terms of consistency in product material properties and thickness, but the primary drawback is the numerous laps that are required. Introduction to Foundation Details. The width of the foundation must be three times the width of … Foundation walls are typically constructed of cast-in-place concrete or concrete masonry units. Typically, the waterproofing is wrapped over a masonry brick shelf, or up behind the finish exterior materials at grade so that it may be terminated and shingle lapped by the weather barrier. See appropriate sections under applicable guide specifications: Unified Facility Guide Specifications (UFGS), VA Guide Specifications, Federal Guide for Green Construction Specifications, MasterSpec®. Shotcreting can result in undesirable conditions such as voids behind reinforcing steel, and as a result some waterproofing manufacturers do not recommend their products for this application. Understanding the specific chemical admixture is important in determining its potential performance in below-grade dampproofing or waterproofing applications. Click here for animation. For emerging issues refer to General Overview section. Because of the unique nature of penetrations and Special Features, no single rule or criteria can govern or apply to the effective treatment thereof. 30 to No. Waterproofing membrane systems are available as either post-applied or pre-applied products for use in either positive-side, negative-side, or blind-side applications. These systems are advantageous in their lightweight design and cost effectiveness. In some cases, the tubes may also be re-injected if leakage persists. 6" unfinished grade clearance, 2" slab, deck, or sidewalk clearance, or code In combination with bentonite sheet waterproofing, these voids can be detrimental, since the bentonite can swell into the voids and loose its waterproofing integrity. Many drainage mats also include a polyethylene sheet backer to uniformly disperse the loads imposed on the membrane and reduce the potential for damage caused by non-uniform profiles (dimples) in the composite core. As moisture moves from the upper screen through the drainage system on the exterior towards the exit drain, moisture will inevitably make its way toward the surface of the foundation wall itself. The drain should be placed below the top of the footing. In blind-side (positive-side, without access due to tight lot lines, under slabs on grade, or other reason) waterproofing assemblies, products may include sheet materials of thermofusible HDPE or PVC, bentonite, or other similar proprietary sheet products. Additionally, the composite cores have sharp corners that can cut the waterproofing membrane during installation or backfill operations. Structural Support, Environmental Control, Finish and Distribution, are expanded below in general terms for foundation walls. In this section several typical basement wall sections are illustrated and described. With bentonite systems, lapping of bentonite sheets is typically backlapped from the exterior if concrete placement involves pouring from the top of the wall. Concrete Basement Wall with Interior Insulation, Footing Detail, Figure 2-14S. For positive side applications, the installation of protection boards or insulation layers as quickly as possible after membrane installation is critical to prevent mechanical damage form subsequent layers and backfill and form ultraviolet radiation. The interior environment that the foundation wall is subjected to includes environmental control loadings such as thermal and moisture. Where expansion and contraction of the services or pipes entering the building occurs, a sleeve through the wall that is discontinuous with the penetration piping is required. The higher soil temperatures on the exterior also create the need to provide at least a damproofing on the exterior of the foundation wall to resist the strong interior vapor drive. To view a CAD detail, you will need a CAD design program or a CAD viewer program. Included in this group of details are variations in construction systems, use of insulation under the slab, and approaches to insulating rim joists. For treatment of leaks providing amplified external drainage media similar to that required on the exterior wall is highly effective. Sealing these generally requires application of elastomeric boots that seal to the housing and to the exterior pipe. The top reinforcement in the mat foundation (full-depth) will be interrupted, however; so the engineer will have to analyze the opening region to determine if hooks are required on the terminated bars or additional “framing” bars are required adjacent to the opening. For most portions of the foundation wall, water removal and control is of prime importance. These walls may also be used in the lateral resisting system for the building. Consult with a structural engineer regarding possible movement. Condensation is possible in below grade conditions in warmer more humid summer conditions as below grade spaces tend to be cooler in the summer because of the insulating effect of the backfill soil. The integration of the two systems requires careful consideration to insure that all moisture, air and thermal criteria for each system are satisfied at the transition interface. In some situations, it may not be possible to apply waterproofing directly and entirely to the foundation walls, and it may be necessary to fasten a "lens" membrane to the foundation wall to catch runoff and redirect it away from the foundation. The overhang can be up to 2 inches while maintaining 3 ½"; of bearing over the rim. Common practice for wall terminations or door entries is to provide slope away from the building as previously indicated. The camera arrow, or Line of Sight, should be perpendicular to the desired cross section plane. In many foundation wall situations with low water table elevations, the combination of the upper screen, the exterior drainage system, the near surface drainage system and the exit drain will control the majority of the water. However, the use and location of the insulation is more important on the control of moisture in terms of preventing condensation on interior wall faces for the entire height of the foundation wall. Portions of the building permanently below the water table may require more redundant systems. Figure 2-11F. Figure 2-12F. This is a detail of an exterior wall … Concrete Basement Wall with Exterior Insulation, Footing Detail, Figure 2-13S. Select 3D> Create Orthographic View> Backclipped Cross Section, then click and drag a camera arrow in the direction that you want the view to show. Detail drawing (sections and plans) shows the size, quantity and location of concrete reinforcing bars, … Figures 2-14 and 2-15 show interior insulation options. The thickness of these systems varies from 20 to 120 mils. PVC and polyethylene pipes are available in smooth or corrugated configurations and are slotted on the bottom half of their cross-section to allow water infiltration. For optimum drainage and thermal performance, install a composite drainage board with integral filter fabric to the exterior of the insulation. Detailing around shoring piles and soil tie-back anchors can be challenging and reducing the number or frequency of these types of penetrations will increase the potential for good performance of the waterproofing system. Kingspan Premium performance rigid phenolic insulation(150mm) - thermal conductivity 0.021-0.024 W/mK. Regular price $0.00 Free CAD Details-Foundation Details. If heat-welded seaming is employed and loose-hung membranes are tough and protected from damage by protection board, they may be effective waterproofing materials, but if a leak occurs, the leak will be difficult to locate and correct due to the loose application of the waterproofing layer in those cases. The foundation wall of a building may be a cast-in-place concrete retaining or basement wall or a structural wall complete with load-bearing pilasters. Finish Functions—Two areas of finishes are of importance in relation to foundation walls. In these cases, the concrete foundation wall is placed against the blind side waterproofing membrane. Special treatment is also needed at all door entries. 4). Click here for animation. However, since some municipalities charge for water pumping into storm drain systems, these costs must be weighed over the life of the structure when designing the waterproofing systems. concrete, insulation may only be of importance to moderate interior temperatures in the upper portions of the foundation wall where temperature conditions will fluctuate. Special emphasis is placed on evacuating the water at the wall base to avoid water build-up in the back fill or drainage system. Negative-side waterproofing systems are post-applied to the surface of the element opposite the surface exposed to moisture, typically the interior of the foundation wall. above shows the section. These systems provide a secondary barrier to the passage of water across these construction joints. Fig2. Waterproofing should be applied a minimum of 12" above finished grade, and then applied to a point 12" below the top surface of the interior slab on grade. In all applications, protection of the membrane and proper lapping and sealing of joints is critical. Figure 2-11S. To create a cross section view. For many membrane types, a multiple layer detailing of the membrane, proper isolation and allowance for joint detailing is generally effective for construction joints. To allow rem… Location of the slip plane may vary depending on the design; however, it should be included in all assemblies. Assisting were Judd Peterson of Judd Allen Group and David Young, P.Eng., P.E. If the exterior wall materials will not protect the waterproofing at grade, base flashings should be used to protect the waterproofing from ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure. Hydrostatic pressure loads may exist in cases of high water tables or flood events. Innovative Solutions for the Built Environment There is no one set of perfect solutions; recommended practices or details often represent compromises and trade-offs. The most commonly used protection board is a semi-flexible sheet containing an asphalt core placed between asphalt impregnated glass fiber mats. A liquid membrane cant covered with an elastomeric flashing extending to the edge of the footer and several inches above the cant has proven historically effective. Notre that leakage may occur at a penetration and flow behind the waterproofing if a lateral path exists. Figure 2 is an overall schematic that characterizes the four functions i.e. Figure 2-15F. In general, using prefabricated composite drainage board directly against certain waterproofing membranes as a protection layer is not recommended. In general, when properly designed, non-woven products have good filtration and separation properties. Dampproofing/Waterproofing in all situations should be carried up above the upper screen and integrally tied into the building façade flashing and waterproofing. £3.00 + vat Add To Basket Includes DXF, DWG and Jpeg. Geotextile filter fabrics are also used for separating differing soil types in below grade enclosure applications. In general, drainage core widths of 1/4 to 1/2 inch provide drainage flow rates 3 to 5 times the rate of commonly used natural backfill materials. Positive-side systems are available in numerous materials and forms. One Hundred Twenty major categories of fully editable and scalable drawings and details in AutoCad Format. The following details can be downloaded in DWG format or viewed online in DWF™ (Design Web Format™) or Adobe Acrobat PDF by clicking on the appropriate format to the right of the drawing title. section below the pit (Fig. Methods for concrete placement include cast-in-place between the lagging and interior forms, or spray applied shotcrete. Injection ports/sites are typically accessed from the building interior. For resources including texts, guides, and web pages refer to General Overview section. Structure detail of typical boundary wall, showing footing, foundation, plinth beam and column detail. Concrete Basement Wall with Interior Spray Foam Insulation, Footing Detail. Figures 2-14 and 2-15 show interior insulation options. Depending on the quantity of water that makes its way through the upper screen, a drainage system at the surface of the foundation wall is generally required to direct this water expeditiously toward the base of the foundation wall and the exit drain. The second area is the finish to the exterior near grade level. In these cases the remaining part of the system is a dampproofing applied directly to the exterior surface of the foundation wall. Concrete Basement Wall with Exterior Insulation, Sill Detail. When the work of one section is over, work on next to next section is taken up, i.e., alternate sections are underpinned in the first round, and then the remaining sections are taken up. concrete or concrete masonry units. Construction joints have been effectively treated in most applications by a waterstop manufacturer's recommended details. For codes/standards refer to General Overview section. Details for Strip Foundation, Trench Foundation, Raft Foundation and Stepped Foundations etc. The first and most effective defense against this water is to slope the upper screen surface away from the building a minimum of 5% near the building edge. Figures 2-11 through 2-13 show configurations with insulation on the exterior surface of basement walls. Distribution systems within the foundation walls themselves must be treated with careful consideration, as they can also be conduits transporting air and moisture within the structure. Worlds Strongest Man Takes On The Recycling :15 - GEICO Insurance. Some municipalities also limit pumping of groundwater as this can lower groundwater levels and affect the support of adjacent structures. Full compliance with manufacturers' recommendations and recognized industry standards is recommended, and should be reflected in the appropriate sections of the project specifications. These details must be properly detailed and installed to be effective. Typical Structural detail and section of different size columns like… All rights reserved. When it is wrapped over masonry ledges, care must be taken to coordinate with masonry ties and thru-wall flashings. Condition appraisals and trouble shooting of below-grade structures reveals common sources of leakage that occur at penetrations. Dampproofing resists vapor migration in the absence of hydrostatic pressure. The first area is the finishes of the interior space. Waterproofing membranes can be categorized into four (4) types: Fluid-Applied Systems—These systems include urethanes, rubbers, plastics and modified asphalts. Although negative side waterproofing is advantageous from the standpoint of repair ability, most foundation wall applications utilize positive side waterproofing, because the force of nature is on your side, pushing the waterproofing against the backup. Where grade slopes down along an exterior wall, the waterproofing will step down incrementally so that it continues to protect the below grade, occupied space. If PVC is used, corners and laps should be heat welded and properly inspected. This swelling can be 10 to 15 percent of the thickness of the base material. Design considerations include selecting an appropriate design to achieve the required flow rate. section detail – foundation @ grade water resistive barrier exterior sheathing grade minimum 3/4" furring vent strip 1/2" spacing minimum drainage flashing code approved sill seal (as req’d per code) min. Special loadings such as blast loads are a design consideration in parking areas under and next to buildings. Negligible smoke obscuration. When you locate the detail you want, just click one of the four file format buttons to download it to your computer. There is a combination of environmental design loadings at this interface such as surface water, runoff, and cavity wall drainage. However, water removal measures around foundation walls below the water table may be impractical and expensive over the long-term and the waterproofing strategy becomes critical. If adhesives are used to attach an element to the membrane, the adhesive pattern should be installed in small dabs to allow vertical water discharge and reduce the potential for hydrostatic pressures imposed on the waterproofing membrane. Rim joist insulation is provided by the exterior foam sheathing, and additional rigid insulation on the inside of the rim. Structural Support, Environmental Control, Finish, and Distribution as they relate to the below grade enclosure elements of foundation walls. Prefabricated Synthetic Drainage Layers—These products consist of a combination of plastic composite drainage cores with adhered geotextile fabrics. The removal of the moisture in the most complete and expeditious manner will decrease the probability for intrusion of water. Drainage pipe at the perimeter of the foundation wall should be surrounded by a free draining granular material that is wrapped in filter fabric to prevent fines from filling in the porous spaces of the granular material. Waterproofing is more effective in eliminating the risk of leakage and may be no more expensive than dampproofing, depending on the material used. Proper treatment of this area is critical in terms not only of aesthetics but also durability. Although marketed to be used with excavated soils during backfill in lieu of a granular drainage layer, it is recommended that a full system approach be used in applications where water leakage is not tolerable; a full system approach should include both a synthetic drainage layer and granular drainage layer. This finish is dependent on the interior use whether it be a controlled office environment or a non-controlled parking environment. (51 mm) PVC pipe at 8 ft (2400 mm) on center, allows water on the interior to reach the foundation drain. NOTE: Photographs, figures, and drawings were provided by the original author unless otherwise noted. Foundation walls must be designed to resist vertical loads from the structure above and transfer these loads to the footing. If in doubt, it is clearly prudent to err on the conservative side and provide a waterproof system.

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