how to fertilize peace lily

Peace lilies are not heavy feeders, so fertilize only occasionally. Feeding the plant is also quite important, and you can easily do so by making sure that you use a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Fertilizer. Back to top. If you want these flowers, you should fertilize your Peace Lily at the beginning of spring. The glossy dark green leaves, along with the magnificent white blossom, can make anyone fall for the Peace Lily’s beauty. The peace lily belongs to the Liliopsida class, Alismatales order and, therefore, to the Araceae family. A Peace Lily is a flowering plant, as you can see in the header photo of this guide. Too much nitrogen results in a lot of dark green foliage but few or no flowers. To encourage spring and summer growth, fertilize every 6 weeks or so with a balanced houseplant fertilizer starting in late winter. The best way to restore the health of an over-fertilized Peace Lily is to flush the soil with clean water to wash away as much fertilizer as possible. When I watered it I realize that the cat has been using our poor peace lily as her toilet! Recently, we place it inside the house. It has slim white flowers. My mom has this giant peace lily that has been with the family for more than 10 years already. You do not need to fertilize the peace lily in the winter and can reduce watering a little because the plant is not growing as vigorously. You can either choose an organic fertilizer or go in for a synthetic one. All parts of the peace lily plant contain calcium oxalate—a substance that may cause stomach and respiratory irritation if ingested in large amounts. The peace lily is a tropical species that is a favorite flowering houseplant. Peace Lilies should be fertilized with a balanced fertilizer at one-half or one-quarter of the recommended strength on a monthly basis – but only during spring and summer season. Instead, you should always consider buying a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer and use it once every two to three months. A well-grown peace lily may bloom twice a year, resulting in several months of flowers. However, it is important to remember that overfeeding your peace lily is a bad idea. Other common plants that contain calcium oxalate include philodendrons, daffodils, true … We took it outside and now the wilting has gotten worst. How to get a peace lily to bloom; 3# Fertilizer. Fertilize peace lilies with a light hand. As peace lilies are tropical plants, they rely on the soil for most of their nutrients. This means that you will need to pay extra attention when it comes to feeding your peace lily. Fertilizing a Peace Lily. It did fine for a while. It should be noted that there are various species of peace lily, although all have very similar characteristics among them and maintain almost the same requirements and care. Keep peace lilies out of reach of small children and pets. A striking plant when used in mass display, the peace lily blooms in spring with long-lasting flower stalks that hover gracefully over the foliage. Peace lilies are a tropical plant, so keep them in temperatures … In order for these flowers to grow, your plant needs to have plenty of additional nutrients. But after a few weeks, it began to wilt. The Peace Lily is a well-known tropical Aroid that adorns living rooms and offices all over the world..

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