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More than 10, million vaccinations have been administered in Texas, according to state health officials, and more than 1, million more doses are expected in the state this week, the health department said Saturday. Aired 7-8p ET, Obama Meets Trump For First Time Ever; Trump Team Reviewing Candidates For Cabinet; New Photo of Michelle Obama and Melania Trump's Meeting; Hillary Clinton Seen for First Time Since Concession Speech; Trump: Healthcare Reform is Top Priority as President. Kate Brown said Friday that she will accelerate the state’s vaccine eligibility timeline by two weeks for those over age 16 with underlying medical conditions, front-line workers and those living in multigenerational homes. Aired 7-8p ET, In Major Blow to Trump, A.G. Barr Says There's No Evidence Of Fraud That Would Change Election Outcome; DOJ Investigating Potential Presidential Pardon Bribery Scheme; Source: Trump Associates Appealing To Trump For Pardons; U.S. Reports More Than 2,300 Coronavirus Deaths So Far Today; First Shipments Of Pfizer Vaccines To Be Delivered In Two Weeks; Biden Unveils Economic Team; Georgia's GOP Election Chief: Trump Inciting Potential Violence. Willing Walk Away From Iran Talks; Source: GOP Leader Warns Trump About Tone On Immigration; Presidents Bush, Clinton Share The Stage. Aired 7- 8p ET, White House: Kelly Reassures Staffers Fearing More Firings; Putin Critic Killed By Neck Compression? Aired 7-8p ET, Trump: With Clinton, "You'll End Up In World War III"; Trump, Clinton Campaign in Key State of Florida; Trump: "ObamaCare is Just Blowing Up"; Trump Launches Live Nightly Broadcast; Chelsea Clinton, Ivanka Trump Ramp Up Attacks on Trail. Aired 8-9p ET, Massive Fire At Texas Chemical Plant; Category 3 Hurricane Irma Intensifying, May Hit U.S.; Houston Now Soaking In A Chemical Stew Filled With E.Coli; NYT: Mueller Has Draft of Letter Trump Wrote Explaining Comey Firing; Source: Longtime Trump Aide Leaving White House, Frustrated with Kelly's System. Iowa has delivered nearly 1.37 million doses of vaccine, and nearly 525,000 people, or 16.8% of the population, have been fully vaccinated, according to CDC data. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper Ends 2020 Campaign; Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) Is Interviewed About Candidates Getting Out Of 2020 Campaign. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump And Ryan Pull Health Care Bill In Defeat; Trump Blames Democrats For GOP Health Bill's Failure; Trump On Health Bill's Defeat: "Let Obamacare Explode"; Trump Upset Kushner Was Skiing As Health Bill Floundered; Health Care Bill Pulled, Votes Not There; GOP House Intel Chair Cancels Hearing In Russia Investigation; Interview with Congressman Eric Swalwell of California. Democrats said the measure will deny access to the courts for people who were damaged by the disease or whose relatives died from the coronavirus. Kristi Noem and the former Trump administration. Personnel to Iraq, Four More Rounds of U.S. Air Strikes in Iraq Today; Robin Williams Dead of Suspected Suicide, United States Launching Second Round of Air Strikes in Iraq; Israel and Palestinian Resume Hostilities; All Precautions Taken for Equipping Plane for Ebola Patients; New U.S. Airstrikes In Iraq, Official: U.S. Trump Backtracks on Immigration Again; Clinton Unleashes Attack on Trump, Ties Him to Racists; Two Nuns Brutally Killed in Mississippi; U.S. Navy Fires Warning Shots at Iranian Boat; Inside the Secret Network Fighting Against ISIS. Ken Tuchman, founder of the Englewood-based outsourcing giant TTEC Holdings Inc., had the largest percentage increase of the state’s billionaires from $1.3 billion in March 2020 to $3.1 billion last week, according to Forbes data. Aired 7-8p ET, Clinton Wins Missouri Primary, Sanders Concedes; Rubio Speaks For First Time Since Suspending Campaign; Conservatives Meet, Plot to Stop Trump; Democrats Sound Alarm Over Trump's Momentum; Interview with Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi; North Korea Launches Ballistic Missiles; CNN Undercover in Rebel-Held Syria. Aired 7-8:00p ET, Stocks Super Worst Day In Four Years; Bush Visits Border, Takes Aim at Trump; Source: Obama Gave Biden His Blessing To Run Today. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Says "We are Going a Different Way" After Dems & WH Negotiators Fail to Reach a Stimulus Deal; U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll About to Cross 161,000; Pres. Aired 7-8p ET, WH Won't Say Whether Trump Has Confidence In Fauci; Tulsa Sees Surge In Coronavirus Cases After Trump Rally; Arizona Has Highest Positive Test Rate In The U.S.; Trump Says "It's Time" To Reopen Schools As Teacher Organizations Claim It's Not Safe Due To Pandemic; Trump's Brother Tries Again To Stop Publication Of Niece's Book. “The reality is we should always continue to be humbled by the virus,” Levine said during the state’s twice-weekly virus briefing. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Defends Son: "Many People Would Have Held That Meeting; Trump About To Leave U.S. As White House Said To Be Paralyzed; Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Ready To Subpoena Manafort; Kushner Initially Omitted Trump Jr.-Russia Meeting From Form; Video Shows Trump With Russian Tied To E-mail Controversy. Aired 7-8p ET, Pelosi To Trump: No State Of The Union Speech During Shutdown; NYT: Trump Called Reporter, Argued Putin Didn't Interfere In Election; Interview with Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA). Sailors Missing after Warship Collides with Oil Tanker; Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Disapprove of Trump Response to Charlottesville. Hits Record 107,000+ COVID Hospitalizations Today as Trump Ignores Virus, Focuses on Bogus Election Lawsuit; Panel Recommends FDA Authorize Pfizer COVID Vaccine; FDA Advisers Pave the Way for First COVID Vaccine in U.S.; Biden to Civil Rights Leaders: GOP "Beat the Living Hell" Out of Dems by Using "Defund the Police" Against Them; Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) is Interviewed About Biden's "Defund the Police" Comment Let GOP "Beat the Living Hell" Out of Dems, and Calls for Governor Newsom to Pick Black Woman for Harris' Seat. In February 2020, just before the pandemic took hold nationally, the state rate was under 4%. In general, higher education institutions in Memphis have restricted campus density for most of the pandemic. It also allows for continued use of the Missouri National Guard and federal funding for response efforts. Hits Record Coronavirus Hospitalizations; Police Release New Body Cam Video Of Nashville Bombing; Biden: We've Had Transition "Roadblocks" From Trump Appointees; One-On-One With Alexander Vindman; Candidates Turning To Religion To Win Georgia Runoff Races. Aired on 7-8p ET, Trump Calls China "Red Handed" Amid Reports It Sold Oil To North Korea; Officials Deny Moore's Election Challenge, Certify Jones Win; Moore: Took Polygraph Test Over Sexual Misconduct Claims; Tillerson At Odds Once Again With Trump Says U.S. And Russia Have A "Poor Relationship." Aired 7-8p ET, Embattled EPA Scott Pruitt Chief Directly Asked Trump To Fire Jeff Sessions And Let Him Run The Justice Department Instead; Trump Alleges Obama Admin Granted Citizenship To Iranians During Iran Deal Negotiations Without Proof; Trump In Ice Raids: It's Like You're Liberating A Town; Mom Confronts EPA Chief Pruitt, Urges Him To Resign; Mom Confronts EPA Chief Pruitt, Urges Him to Resign; Rep. Jordan Denies Accusations He Turned Blind Eye to Sex Abuse; Soccer Team Could Be Trapped in Cave for Months. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump's Impeachment Trial Delayed Until February; McConnell Privately Says He Wants Trump Gone; Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) Discusses About Sen. Schumer's Decision to Delay Trump's Impeachment Trial in the Senate; Biden on Economy: "We're in a National Emergency"; Biden's Econ Chief Urges Action on Relief Bill: Without Action "We Risk Falling into a Very Serious Economic Hole"; Biden COVID Adviser: White House Did Not Inherit a National Vaccine Plan; Hank Aaron: A Great Ballplayer, A Greater Man. Aired 7-8pm ET, Author: 100 percent Of The People Around Trump Question His Fitness To Serve As President; Book: Trump Insisted On False Story About Don Jr. Russia Meeting; Source: W.H. Aired 7-8p ET, Acting DHS Secretary Resigns As FBI Bulletin Warns "Armed Protests" Planned At U.S. Capitol And All 50 States Capitols; Trump, Pence Speak For First Time Since Capitol Riot; Interview With Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA); House Democrats Plan Impeachment Vote Of Trump On Wednesday; Interview With Rep. Peter Meijer (R-MI); Parler Sues Amazon After Being Forced To Go Dark After Riot; U.S. Reports 100,000- Plus COVID Hospitalizations 41 Days In A Row, Averaging More Than 3,000 Deaths Per Day. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Rally Moves Dow to Record High of 19,000; Trump Takes Questions in New York Times Meeting; Trump and Family Arrives in Florida for Thanksgiving; Trump Disavows Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists; Trump's Son-in-Law Speaks Out Publicly; Trump Arrives in Florida for Thanksgiving Vacation; Driver in Fatal School Bus Crash Hit Another Car in Sept. Marching in Solidarity with Baltimore; Massive Protests In Baltimore As Curfew Approaches. Aired 7-8p ET, Obama: Very Difficult to Detect Lone Wolf Plots; Feds Release New Details About Killer's Friend; Ted Cruz Holding Campaign Rally in Georgia; Trump: Bush is "Dumb as a Rock"; Schools Close Over Islam Homework; Sanders Campaign: DNC in the Tank for Hillary Clinton; Mother Teresa to Be Named a Saint. Aired 7-8p ET, DHS: Troops Could Be Deployed to Border As Early as Tonight; Trump Administration Sending Troops to Border But Short on Details; Market Swings Wildly on Trump-China Trade War Fears; CNN Exclusive: Mueller's Team Questioning Wealthy Russians; Pruitt on Controversial Pay Raises: My Staff Did It, Not Me. Hostage; Report: Series of Failed Attempts to Rescue Kayla Mueller; Jesse Matthew Charged with Murder and Abduction of Hannah Graham; Brian Williams Suspended Without Pay, Massachusetts Declares State of Emergency; Snowstorm Shuts Down Boston's Subway System; New Video Shows Hostage Praising ISIS Fighters; No Proof American Hostage Kayla Mueller is Dead, ISIS Claims US Hostage Killed in Jordanian Air Strike; Pilot May Have Shut Down Wrong Engine; Brian Williams Apologizes to NBC News Staff; Jury Visits Murder Scenes & Aaron Hernandez's Home, Jordan: Going After ISIS With Everything That We Have; Awaiting Press Conference on Taiwan's Deadly Plane Crash; Virus Spreads to Illinois Daycare, U.S. Military Moving More Assets Into Iraq To Fight ISIS; Surgeon General: Measles Outbreak "At a Critical Tipping Point"; California Measles Cases Up 68 Percent Over Two Weeks, ISIS Burns Hostage Alive, Jordan Vows Revenge; Deadly Virus Spreads Now Reported in 15 States; At Least 102 Measles Cases in 15 States; Juror Tossed from Aaron Hernandez Murder Case, At Least Four Dead in Record Breaking Storms; Journalist Believed Beheaded, Fate of Pilot Unknown; Obama Won't Call Terror Fight A War on Radical Islam; Bodies Strewn Across Destroyed Ukraine Airport; 102 Cases Reported Across 14 States; Measles Outbreak: 102 Cases Reported Across 14 States, Hagel: Felt Pressure From White House To Release Gitmo Detainees; Paris Gunman Filmed Attack with GoPro; Officials Concerned About Spread of Virus at Super Bowl, Prisoner Swapped For Bergdahl Has Contacted Militants; Awaiting Word on Fate of Hostages; Deadline Passes to Save Hostages; CDC: Deadly Virus Spreads to 14 States, Official: More Than 50 Threats to Airlines in 11 Days; Massachusetts City Buried Under 34 Inches of Snow; ISIS Appears to Set New Deadline for Hostages; More Snow On The Way For The Northeast, More Than A Foot of Snow in Seven States; Boston Mayor: "We're Not Out Of This Yet"; Snow Totals Top 28 Inches on Long Island; Nearly 13,000 Without Power in Nantucket, Five States Declare State of Emergency; Historic Blizzard Slams Northeast; Life Threatening Storm, Three Feet of Snow Possible, Awaiting Fate of Two Hostages; Terror Group Holding American Female Hostage; Thousands Say Farewell to Saudi King Abdullah; NFL- Patriots Used Under-Inflated Balls in First Half; Man Shot & Killed by Officer At Traffic Stop, Deadline Looms For ISIS Hostages; Black Man Shot Dead by Police Officer; Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Dies; U.S. Evacuating Embassy in Yemen, Official: ISIS Recruiting on Rise in Yemen; Gunmen Met and Radicalized in Prison; Boehner Invites Netanyahu, Doesn't Consult Obama; Reports: Justice Dept. Aired 7-8p ET, Protesters Gathering Outside of Trump Rally; Trump, Cruz About to Speak Ahead of Crucial Primary; CNN Poll: 91 Percent of GOP Voters Say Trump is Likely Nominee; Cruz: "Nobody is Going to Get to 1,237"; Countdown to Indiana Primary. Walz acknowledged that demand will outpace supply before the increased shipments from the federal government arrive but urged the newly eligible Minnesotans to get in line. Evers said he was vetoing the bill because it encroaches on his authority as governor to administer and oversee employment policy. Aired 7-8p ET, W.H. Aired 7-8p ET, House Intel Republicans: No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump Campaign And Russia; GOP Ends House Russia Probe Without Consulting Dems; Questions Growing Over Betsy DeVos' Competence for Job; Ex-KGB Agent Says Poisoned Spy Was on Russian Hit List; Stormy Daniels Asks for a New Judge in Trump Lawsuit. Aired 7-8p ET, Mueller: Trump Told Sessions, "This Is The End Of My Presidency. Republicans in the Legislature have been pushing for state employees to return to their offices as COVID-19 case counts drop in Wisconsin and vaccinations go up. Aired 7-8p ET, Standing By For Vice Presidential Debate on CNN; New Details on Mike Pence's Debate Strategy. If People Think I Lied For Him; Giuliani Suggests He's Been "Through All The" Trump Tower Moscow "Tapes," Then Says He "Shouldn't Have Said Tapes" White House Won't Say If Trump Would Veto House Bill To Open Government. Aired 7-8p ET, Congressional Baseball Game About To Start Despite Shooting. Threat. Forbes data revealed Ergen was worth $5.4 billion last March and is now worth $10.7 billion, a 98% gain that made him the state’s wealthiest person. As of January 2020, 5,863,289 prices in 9,300 cities entered by 500,170 contributors. Aired 7-8p ET, Curfew In Effect Tonight Amid Unrest Over Police Shooting; Officer Who Killed Daunte Wright Charged With Manslaughter; Defense Expert: Floyd's Death Should Be "Undetermined," Not "Homicide," Contends Multiple Factors Contributed To His Death; CNN: Women Detail Drug Use, Sex At Late-Night Parties With Rep. Gaetz; Sources: Biden's Troop Withdrawal Went Against Top Advisers' Advice. Aired 7-7:30p ET, Runaway Blimp Knocks Power Lines, F-16's Scrambled; GOP 2016 Hopefuls to Face-Off Tonight; All Eyes on Carson As He Surges in Polls. Says "We Are Not Advocating" For A Shutdown After Trump Says He'd Love To See A Shutdown; Trump Meets With Embattled Deputy A.G. Amid Memo Controversy; Interview with Chairman Kevin Hassett of Council of Economic Advisers; White House: Trump Was "Joking" When He Accused Dems of Treason. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Rallying Supporters in Nevada; Trump Campaign: Bill Clinton is Now Our Best Surrogate; Trump Lived Lavishly Despite $916M Loss. Aired 7-8p ET, Recording Reveal Trump Knew How Dangerous Virus was & That He was Intentionally Trying to Downplay it; New Book Reveals Trump Knew in Early February That The Coronavirus was Deadly, Dangerous, & Highly Contagious; Trump Campaign Scrambles to Respond to Woodward Tapes; Source: Many in Campaign Shocked by President's Comments. Aired 7-8p ET, Biden Hours Away From Being Sworn In As Trump Is Secluded In Final Moments Of Presidency; Frantic Scramble Behind The Scenes At White House Over Whether To Grant Steve Bannon A Pardon; Interview With Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT); Hawley Vows To Block Quick Confirmation Of Biden's Homeland Security Pick Over Immigration Policies; Biden Hours Away From Being Sworn In; Prosecutors: Members Of Oath Keepers Coordinated Before Riot; Trump Expected To Issue 100- Plus Pardons At Any Moment. List, Will Make His Pick By End Of This Week. Aired 7-8:00p ET, Police Searched Co-Pilot's Home, Seize Boxes of Evidence; Doctor Declared Co-Pilot Unfit to Fly; Report: Co-Pilot Suffered Serious Depressive Episode; Amanda Knox Murder Conviction Overturned. Aired 7-8p ET, House Dems in Talks to Extend Length of Mueller Hearing; Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) is Interviewed on Game Plan for Mueller Hearing Amid Fears About Limited Time for Questioning; Kamala Harris Joins Sanders, Warren in Courting Ocasio-Cortez. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Now Claims Iran Targeted 4 U.S. Embassies, Without Evidence Or Explanation Of "Imminent" Threat; Pompeo On Soleimani's "Imminent" Attacks: "We Don't Know Precisely" When Or Where He Planned To Attack; Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) Discusses About The President's Claim That Four Embassies Were Targeted By General Soleimani; Ukraine Investigating Whether Bomb Was "Planted" On Flight Downed In Iran With 176 People Onboard; Ukraine Not Ruling Out Terrorism In Iran Plane Crash; U.S. This deadline aligns with the federal special enrollment period extension announced by President Joe Biden for those 35 states that use, the federally run health insurance marketplace. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump "Weighed In" On Trump Jr.'s Misleading Statement; W.H. New coronavirus cases and hospitalizations in Utah are expected to continue decreasing as the vaccine rollout continues, said State Epidemiologist Dr. Angela Dunn. Still Waiting For Access To Egypt Plane Wreckage; Officials Analyzing Sound on MetroJet's Black Box; Unarmed Man Tased While Cuffed Dies in Police Custody. Aired on 7-8p ET, Chinese Woman Arrested For Illegally Entering Mar-A-Lago During Trump's Visit; Authorities: Chinese Woman Charged With Illegally Entering Trump's Mar-A-Lago Had Four Cell Phones And Malware; Chinese Woman Charged With Illegally Entering Trump's Mar-A-Lago; Dems Serve Four Subpoenas To Trump Admin Officials; Trump: Dems Are "Ridiculous" For Threatening Subpoenas For Full Mueller Report; Trump Weeks Ago: "Let It Come Out"; Schiff: Mueller Testifying Before Congress Is "Inevitable"; Trump Doubles Down On Shutting Down Border Even As He Admits It'd Have "Negative Impact" On U.S. Economy; Trump Doubles Down On Border Threat Even If it Hurts Economy. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump AG Pick Shared His Controversial Memo On Mueller With Trump Lawyers As Trump Is Forced To Say "I Never worked For Russia"; Trump Team Rebuffed Mueller Request For In-Person Interview With Trump In Recent Weeks; Growing Questions About What Trump Discussed With Putin In 2917 As WH Plotted Response On Trump Tower Meeting. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump to Meet with Senate GOP Leaders; Carson Speaks Out on Former Rival Trump; Trump Under Fire For Remarks About Renegotiating U.S. Debt; Trump Targets Sanders Voters in Fight Against Clinton. Strikes Iran; Bolton: I'm Prepared To Testify In Senate Trial If Subpoenaed; Pompeo Holds Classified Briefing With Senators On Iran; Pompeo Briefs Senators On Iran As He Dodges Questions On "Imminent" Threat That Led To Strike. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Taps Unproven Allegations to Attack the Clintons; Clinton Defends Cashing in on Speeches; Interview with Ben Carson; Report: Pilot Signed Log Stating No Technical Issues; Iraqi Forces Pound ISIS in Falluja. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Pushes Pick For Intel Chief To Withdraw, Blames Media, But Pick Lacked Support Among GOP Senators; Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) Is Interviewed About How Republicans Stood Up Against President Trump's Nomination Of Congressman Ratcliffe In DNA; De Blasio Defends Biden Clash Amid Calls To Focus On Trump; Trump Warns He Can "Substantially" Increase New Tariffs Even As U.S. Stock Market Posts Worst Week Of The Year; Interview with Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President; Trump: North Korea Missile Launch "Not a Violation" of My Deal with Kim. Aired 7-8p ET, Bombing Suspect Charged With Attempted Murder; Bombing Suspect in Hospital Not Cooperating With Officials; Trump Suggests "Racial Profiling" Will Stop Terror; Trump Says "Racial Profiling" Will Stop Terror; NYC Mayor Slow to Call Bombing a "Terror" Attack; Police Identify 10th Victim in Mall Stabbing Rampage. Aired on 7-8p ET, Source: Trump Knew Flynn Misled FBI, Lied To Pence When He Urged Comey To Drop Probe; New Questions For Flynn's Deputy K.T. Aired 7-8p ET, President, First Lady Greet the Macrons For First State Dinner; Trump V.A. Aired 7-8p ET, Source: Trump Calls Georgia's GOP Gov. Greg Gianforte lifted the statewide mask mandate Feb. 12. Honolulu: Weddings on Oahu can now be held outside with a maximum of 100 people after an easing of public health orders related to the coronavirus pandemic. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Brags About 2 Phone Calls: W.H. The department reported two more deaths Saturday, bringing the total to 7,000 since the virus hit the state. Aired 7:30-8p ET, Trump: "Second Amendment People" Could Deal With Clinton; New Poll: Clinton Leads in Iowa, Ohio and Pennsylvania; Conservative Challenger Could Cost Trump Key State; Mormons' Distrust of Trump Puts Utah Up for Grabs; Orlando Gunman's Father Attends Clinton Rally; Polls About to Close in Speaker Ryan's Primary Race. Aired 7-8p ET, Candidates Stump For Votes in Early Voting States; Ted Cruz Rallies For Evangelical Vote; Awaiting Trump Speech in Iowa; Hedge Fund Billionaire Backing Rubio; "Affluenza" Teen Captured in Mexico. Similar trends were noted Friday by White House COVID-19 Response Team members who expressed concerns about rising cases. “We won’t be able to tell quite as well whether we see hot spots or outbreaks that happen in the state,” Bratzler said. North Dakota has had “blue laws” restricting business on Sundays since it became a state in 1889, stemming from fears that shopping on Sunday morning would compete with church. Aired 7-8p ET, 911 Call Just Released In Rayshard Brooks Killing; Atlanta Police Foundation Says 19 Atlanta Police Officers Have Resigned Over The 10 Days; Protests On Its 21st Night Across U.S. For Racial Justice As Family Of Rayshard Brooks Demands Answers In Death; Trump Says Texas Doing A "Fantastic Job" With Virus On The Day The State Sees Record High Hospitalizations; New Coronavirus Cases Trending Up In 18 States. New Mexico Gov. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Lashes Out at Critics, Says "I'm Not Changing"; Trump University Documents Show Aggressive Sales Tactics; Trump Warns Third- Party Hopefuls: You Can't Win; Clinton: Will Do Everything I Can To Unify The Party; Sanders Doesn't Rule Out Running As Clinton's VP; Report: ISIS Using Human Shields Amid Fight for Iraqi City. Aired 7-8p ET, CDC Director Predicts 100,000 U.S. Coronavirus Deaths by June 1; Number of New Cases Trending Lower in 28 States; But New Texas Cases Up Double Digits Since Restrictions Relaxed; New Vaccine Chief: "Few Hundred Million Doses" of Vaccine Could be Available in U.S. by End of Year; LA Begins to Reopen After Highest Number of Cases in a Month; Trump Doubles Down on Vaccine Timeline: Could Be End of Year; House About to Vote on $3 Trillion Coronavirus Aid Package. “We don’t want to go down the same path we’ve seen before and experience a resurgence in the pandemic, which is why Gov. Team in Niger Was Collecting Intel on Terror Leader; Heroin Addicts Shoot Up in "Safe" Bathrooms. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Caught on Tape Making Lewd Comments About Women; Audio: Trump Brags He Can Grope Women Because He's a Star; Florida Gov: Worst Still Likely to Come. Aired 7-8pm ET, Gunman Kills 12 People In CA Bar Massacre, 21 Others Injured; Sources: Trump Considering Labor Secretary Acosta for A.G. Job; Nadler Tells Dems: Firing Of Sessions Is A "Crisis Moment". Aired 7-8p ET, Trump's Ever-Changing Immigration Position Changes Again; Clinton Campaign Smashes Fundraising Record in August; White Nationalists Praise Trump's Immigration Speech; Tens of Millions in Path of "Life-Threatening" Hurricane. Aired 7-8p ET, Trump Says N.K.

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