omnipotence paradox explained

What does OMNIPOTENCE PARADOX mean? • Productivity If the being can create a stone that it cannot lift, then it seems that it can cease to be omnipotent. A lot of words about Omnipotence | Metapotence explained! With this in mind, essentially the question is asking if God is incapable, so the real question would be, ", This page was last edited on 13 April 2021, at 12:52. Thomas Aquinas advanced a version of the omnipotence paradox by asking whether God could create a triangle with internal angles that did not add up to 180 degrees. (The retort "That's only semantics," is a way of saying that a statement only concerns the definitions of words, instead of anything important in the physical world.) So, God is omni… The difficulties to emphasize with the main actors is the reason why the storytelling tends to approach more to the police/crime genre setted in a cyber-punk distopy. However, it is possible for non-omnipotent beings to compromise their own powers, which presents the paradox that non-omnipotent beings can do something (to themselves) which an essentially omnipotent being cannot do (to itself). To bring this out, we should phrase the argument like this (p. 76): 1. God creating men with free will, for if men's wills are really . Christian Solution of Omnipotence paradox Despite the flawed assumptions some christians theologists say that the Christian God is able to solve the paradox. Hence, this being cannot perform all actions (i.e. Richard Swinburneinvented the following definition of omnipotence in an attempt to define this paradox out of existence: 1. The most popular example is the paradox of the stone. Since God is omnipotent, the only other thing greater/grander than God would be himself, if … God cannot perform logical absurdities; he cannot, for instance, make 1+1=3. God obeys the laws of logic because God is eternally logical in the same way that God does not perform evil actions because God is eternally good. 1996 Blackwell, Anselm of Canterbury Proslogion Chap. He meant to imply by this translation that the laws of logic were derived from God and formed part of Creation, and were therefore not a secular principle imposed on the Christian world view. Aquinas, T. "The Omnipotence Paradox Has Puzzled People For Centuries",, "NPNF1-02. But if God is supposed capable of performing one task whose description is self-contradictory—that of creating the problematic stone in the first place—why should He not be supposed capable of performing another—that of lifting the stone? A common modern version of the omnipotence paradox is expressed in the question: "Can [an omnipotent being] create a stone so heavy that it cannot lift it?" Although the most common translation of the noun "Logos" is "Word" other translations have been used. Divine omnipotence is typically used as a key premise in the famous argument against the existence of God known as the Logical Problem of Evil. • Tech & Coding what is claimed in the paradox of omnipotence? If the being cannotcreate a stone which it cannot lift, then it seems it is already not omnipotent. But this is not a way out, because an object cannot in principle be immovable if a force exists that can in principle move it, regardless of whether the force and the object actually meet.[4]. • Arts The Bible supports this, they assert, in passages such as Hebrews 6:18, which says it is "impossible for God to lie. the concept of an omnipotent being to argue that ‘a stone that an omnipotent being cannot lift’ is a self-contradiction. Augustine of Hippo in his City of God writes "God is called omnipotent on account of His doing what He wills" and thus proposes the definition that "Y is omnipotent" means "If Y wishes to do X then Y can and does do X". After all, is there any greater trick in performing two logically impossible tasks than there is in performing one? Linwood Urban and Douglass Walton eds. According to these theologians (Norman Geisler and William Lane Craig), this law is not a law above God that he assents to but, rather, logic is an eternal part of God's nature, like his omniscience or omnibenevolence. If a being is essentially omnipotent, then it can also resolve the paradox. In fact, this process is merely a fancier form of the classic Liar Paradox: If I say, "I am a liar", then how can it be true if I am telling the truth therewith, and, if I am telling the truth therewith, then how can I be a liar? A common modern version of the omnipotence paradox is expressed in the question: "Can an omnipotent being create a stone so heavy that it cannot lift it?" Within this universe, can the omnipotent being create a stone so heavy that the being cannot lift it?". have immense power. The omnipotence paradox provides arguments to dispute both the existence of an omnipotent god as well as the existence of omnipotence itself. As an example, I could … The omnipotent being is essentially omnipotent, and therefore it is impossible for it to be non-omnipotent. A god such as Allah, or any other god that is not triune will still fall into this paradox, for they are not able to humble themselves in the way, that the Triune Christian God is able to solve the paradox. • Business So, I was thinking about it and here is my response. In the 6th century, Pseudo-Dionysius claims that a version of the omnipotence paradox constituted the dispute between Paul the Apostle and Elymas the Magician mentioned in Acts 13:8, but it is phrased in terms of a debate as to whether God can "deny himself" ala 2 Tim 2:13. These arguments cannot prove God's nonexistence; they prove that … If the answer is ‘yes’, then thereis a state of affairs that Jane cannot bring about, namely,(S1) that a stone of mass \(m\) moves. Phillips. The paradox of the stone poses the question “Can an omnipotent being create a … Such a "task" is termed by him a "pseudo-task" as it is self-contradictory and inherently nonsense. Omnipotence Paradox: Can God create a stone so heavy that even He cannot lift it? 35–36. In other words, if one maintains the supposedly 'initial' position that the necessary conception of omnipotence includes the 'power' to compromise both itself and all other identity, and if one concludes from this position that omnipotence is epistemologically incoherent, then one implicitly is asserting that one's own 'initial' position is incoherent. • Science (4) Therefore, God is not omnipotent. God's Omnipotence is defined as god's ability to do everything, i.e. Nonsense does not suddenly acquire sense and meaning with the addition of the two words, "God can" before it. As Aquinas put it in Summa contra Gentiles: Since the principles of certain sciences, such as logic, geometry and arithmetic are taken only from the formal principles of things, on which the essence of the thing depends, it follows that God could not make things contrary to these principles. The argument can be formulated as follows: (1) An omnipotent being would be able to bring about any possible world (2) Given the opportunity to bring about some world, a morally perfect being would only bring about the best world available to it (3) The actual world is not the best possible world Therefore, (4) The actual world was not brought about by a being who is bot… It was addressed by Averroës[1] and later by Thomas Aquinas. Therefore, the question (and therefore the perceived paradox) is meaningless. The most popular example is the paradox of the stone. This divine quality would be the possibility of having in itself the ability to do all things. Wittgenstein also mentions the will, life after death, and God—arguing that, "When the answer cannot be put into words, neither can the question be put into words. C. S. Lewis argues that when talking about omnipotence, referencing "a rock so heavy that God cannot lift it" is nonsense just as much as referencing "a square circle"; that it is not logically coherent in terms of power to think that omnipotence includes the power to do the logically impossible. In other words, all non-omnipotent agents are concretely synthetic: constructed as contingencies of other, smaller, agents, meaning that they, unlike an omnipotent agent, logically can exist not only in multiple instantiation (by being constructed out of the more basic agents they are made of), but are each bound to a different location in space contra transcendent omnipresence. There exists an argument, however, that the concept of an omnipotent being is paradoxical, meaning that it is logically impossible that an omnipotent being can exist. This question generates a dilemma. Omnipotence, they say, does not mean that God can do anything at all but, rather, that he can do anything that is possible according to his nature. God is limited in his actions to his nature. If the being cannot create a stone it cannot lift, then there is something it cannot create, and is therefore not omnipotent. According to the Tractatus, then, even attempting to formulate the omnipotence paradox is futile, since language cannot refer to the entities the paradox considers. The omnipotence paradox is a family of semantic paradoxes that explores what is meant by 'omnipotence'. The most well-known version of the omnipotence paradox is the so-called paradox of the stone: "Could God create a stone so heavy that even He could not lift it? • Languages The paradox of the stone poses the question “Can an omnipotent being create a stone so heavy that it cannot lift it?” If yes, he or she can create a stone so heavy that it cannot be lifted, then the being’s power is limited because it cannot lift the stone. that the only way out of this paradox is if the irresistible force and immovable object never meet. Omnipotence is from the beginnings of monotheism, an incommunicable attribute of God, usually accompanied by other attributes – Omniscience and Omnipresence. Unlike essentially omnipotent entities, it is possible for an accidentally omnipotent being to be non-omnipotent. Wittgenstein's Place in Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy. An omnipotent being can do literally anything, there's nothing impossible for It. The paradox provides examples of two outcomes, both of which leave god with limited powers, and therefore not omnipotent. The omnipotent being cannot create a stone it cannot lift. The attribute of omnipotence (being all powerful) is generally a quality of the God of monotheistic religions. The conclusion reached is that a paradox cannot prove or … [10] Essentially, Mavrodes argues that it is no limitation on a being's omnipotence to say that it cannot make a round square. In a 1955 article in the philosophy journal Mind, J. L. Mackie tried to resolve the paradox by distinguishing between first-order omnipotence (unlimited power to act) and second-order omnipotence (unlimited power to determine what powers to act things shall have). First. It's just a coincidence that the paradox is related to omnipotence and the fact that we can find a rock that we are not able to lift. "[8][9], A good example of a modern defender of this line of reasoning is George Mavrodes. Since the advent of classical atheism, several paradoxes have been developed, pointing to the presence of logical inconsistencies – contradictions – in this attribute, many of them con… Of course, this is analytically true given how “bachelor” and “unmarried” are defined. Oxford University Press 1978 pp. The Omnipotence Paradox… IT’S NOT THAT DIFFICULT. Linwood Urban and Douglass Walton eds. [7], A common response from Christian philosophers, such as Norman Geisler or William Lane Craig, is that the paradox assumes a wrong definition of omnipotence. During my time on YouTube, I’ve seen various different arguments between theists and non-theists. [22] In the 11th century, Anselm of Canterbury argues that there are many things that God cannot do, but that nonetheless he counts as omnipotent.[23]. The notion of omnipotence can also be applied to an entity in different ways. Alternative statements of the paradox that do not involve such difficulties include "If given the axioms of Euclidean geometry, can an omnipotent being create a triangle whose angles do not add up to 180 degrees?" The being can either create a stone it cannot lift, or it cannot create a stone it cannot lift. If the being can create a stone that it cannot lift, then it seems that it can cease to be omnipotent. An ancient philosopher named Averroes created one of the most intriguing paradoxes of philosophy: The Omnipotence Paradox. This raises the question, however, of whether the being was ever truly omnipotent, or just capable of great power. The omnipotence paradox provides arguments to dispute both the existence of an omnipotent god as well as the existence of omnipotence itself. While this does not quite make complete sense, Lewis wished to stress its implicit point: that even within the attempt to prove that the concept of omnipotence is immediately incoherent, one admits that it is immediately coherent, and that the only difference is that this attempt is forced to admit this despite that the attempt is constituted by a perfectly irrational route to its own unwilling end, with a perfectly irrational set of 'things' included in that end. The idea behind the question is to show that if God can create a rock so heavy that he cannot lift it, he is not omnipotent. But perhaps the most infuriating to watch is the conflict between theists and non-theists over the omnipotence paradox. Get smarter with 10-day courses delivered in easy-to-digest emails every morning. Another argument is that an omnipotent being does have every conceivable ability, including the ability to limit their own power. The logic is still missing. Mr. Mavrodes has offered a solution to the familiar paradox above;, but it is erroneous. #1 As we all know Omnipotence is the state beyond our understanding and reasoning. However, a clearer picture of this paradox could be explained. This question generates a dilemma. Fundamentally, the issue is, the way theists talk about the omnipotence paradox is that it is just so obvious that an omnipotent being cannot create a rock so heavy they cannot lift it by definition and thus, they treat it in the same way as saying that a bachelor is by definition unmarried. On the other hand, if God cannot create a rock that is so heavy that he can’t lift it, God is not omnipotent. [11], If a being is accidentally omnipotent, it can resolve the paradox by creating a stone it cannot lift, thereby becoming non-omnipotent. So, in previous part of my series I created a paradox related with Omnipotence, which consists if an omnipotent God is capable to break any rule not breaking it in the same time. Modern physics indicates that the choice of phrasing about lifting stones should relate to acceleration; however, this does not in itself of course invalidate the fundamental concept of the generalized omnipotence paradox. This question generates a dilemma. In either case, the being is not omnipotent.[3]. uses human characteristics to cover up the main skeletal structure of the question. Oxford University Press 1978. [14] An omnipotent being with both first and second-order omnipotence at a particular time might restrict its own power to act and, henceforth, cease to be omnipotent in either sense. it is not omnipotent), a logical contradiction. The paradox arises, for example, if one assumes that an omnipotent being has no limits and is capable of realizing any outcome, even a logically contradictory one such as creating a square circle. #Omnipotence_Paradox #Quantum_Mechanics #Quantum_Physics Hey this video , I have explained each and every point of Omnipotence Paradox and I … Omnipotence is the property of being able to do anything or everything (this is a matter of semantics, but it could come up). God is either omnipotent or He is not. Wherefore, He cannot do some things for the very reason that He is omnipotent.[13]. What is OMNIPOTENCE PARADOX? If no, the being cannot create a stone so heavy that he or she cannot lift it, then the being’s power is limited because it could not create such a stone. not omnipotent (since He cannot create the stone in question). The logical contradiction here being God's simultaneous ability and disability in lifting the rock: the statement "God can lift this rock" must have a truth value of either true or false, it cannot possess both. Thus Augustine argued that God could not do anything or create any situation that would, in effect, make God not God. It is easier to teach a fish to swim in outer space than to convince a room full of ignorant fools why it cannot be done. The problem is simil… lMlavrodes states that he assumes the existence of God,2 and then reasons (in pseudo-dilemma fashion) as follows. # 4. The omnipotence paradox can be applied to each type of being differently. The paradox represents a reductio ad absurdum, with the conclusion that a truly omnipotent being cannot exist. 165–68, The Power of God: Readings on Omnipotence and Evil. The omnipotence paradox has medieval origins, dating at least to the 12th century. The being can either create a stone which it cannot lift, or it cannot create a stone which it cannot lift. Keene and Mayo disagree p. 145, Savage provides 3 formalizations p. 138–41, Cowan has a different strategy p. 147, and Walton uses a whole separate strategy p. 153–63, The Problem of Pain, Clive Staples Lewis, 1944 MacMillan, Loving Wisdom: Christian Philosophy of Religion by Paul Copan, Chalice Press, 2007 page 46, Hacker, P.M.S. [5], In addition, some philosophers have considered the assumption that a being is either omnipotent or non-omnipotent to be a false dilemma, as it neglects the possibility of varying degrees of omnipotence. St. Augustine's City of God and Christian Doctrine", Relationship between religion and science,, Articles with dead external links from August 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from May 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The words, "Lift a Stone" are used instead to substitute capability. A related issue is whether the concept of "logically possible" is different for a world in which omnipotence exists than a world in which omnipotence does not exist. So, if we assume that God is NOT omnipotent, there is no paradox and no problem. The being can either create a stone which it cannot lift, or it cannot create a stone which it cannot lift. In either scenario, the allegedly omnipotent being has been proven not to be omnipotent because it lacks certain abilities. [16][17] This may mean that the complexity involved in rightly understanding omnipotence—contra all the logical details involved in misunderstanding it—is a function of the fact that omnipotence, like infinity, is perceived at all by contrasting reference to those complex and variable things, which it is not. However, the solution is trivial and tells us nothing (we assumed God was not omnipotent, we concluded that there are somethings he can do and some he cannot). My friend answered that god is the god of everything and is therefore the god of multitasking, he is therefore able to lift and not lift the rock simultaneously. Episode #5 of the course “Brain-twisting paradoxes”. is just as much nonsense as asking "Can God draw a square circle?" The most classic example of the paradox, a Morton's fork, is the "Paradox of the Stone": 1. Some claim[who?] The omnipotence paradox also has implications in the debate about the free will of mankind. The question of a real big rock are not limits. [20] In his later years, however, Wittgenstein wrote works often interpreted as conflicting with his positions in the Tractatus,[21] and indeed the later Wittgenstein is mainly seen as the leading critic of the early Wittgenstein. If an omnipotent being is able to perform any action, then it should be able to create a task that it is unable to perform. Thus, an omnipotent god could create a rock so heavy that he could not lift it because he’s also taking away his own power of omnipotence. "Cum principia quarundam scientiarum, ut logicae, geometriae et arithmeticae, sumantur ex solis principiis formalibus rerum, ex quibus essentia rei dependet, sequitur quod contraria horum principiorum Deus facere non possit: sicut quod genus non sit praedicabile de specie; vel quod lineae ductae a centro ad circumferentiam non sint aequales; aut quod triangulus rectilineus non habeat tres angulos aequales duobus rectis". The lifting a rock paradox (Can God lift a stone larger than he can carry?) The omnipotent being cannot create such a stone because its power is equal to itself—thus, removing the omnipotence, for there can only be one omnipotent being, but it nevertheless retains its omnipotence. Can an omnipotent being create a stone so heavy that i… Wittgenstein's approach to these problems is influential among other 20th century religious thinkers such as D. Z. Likewise, God cannot make a being greater than himself because he is, by definition, the greatest possible being. The main religions whose God is omnipotent are the Abrahamic religions. And no, the paradox of the rock doesn't start with limits. This solution works even with definition 2—as long as we also know the being is essentially omnipotent rather than accidentally so. The intelligibility of the notion of omnipotence has been challengedby the so-called paradox or riddle of the stone. In Principles of Philosophy, Descartes tried refuting the existence of atoms with a variation of this argument, claiming God could not create things so indivisible that he could not divide them. free this must mean that even God cannot control them, that . In either case, the real question is whether an omnipotent being would have the ability to evade consequences that follow logically from a system of axioms that the being created. The distinction is important. [25], In a sense, the classic statement of the omnipotence paradox — a rock so heavy that its omnipotent creator cannot lift it — is grounded in Aristotelian science. Gordon Clark (1902–1985), a Calvinist theologian and expert on pre-Socratic philosophy, famously translated Logos as "Logic": "In the beginning was the Logic, and the Logic was with God and the Logic was God." Linwood Urban and Douglass Walton eds. the paradox of omnipotence relies on definition of everything since omnipotence is basically god's ability to do "everything" which under natural definitions entails a contradiction in god's omnipotent nature, ... (2 + 3 = 10) statement into a story still does nothing to explain how 2 + 3 becomes 10. Can an omnipotentagent, Jane, bring it about that there is a stone of some mass, \(m\),which Jane cannot move? No one is trying to put limits to god. This means that its power to create a stone that is too heavy for it to lift is identical to its power to lift that very stone. In contrast, an accidentally omnipotent being is an entity that can be omnipotent for a temporary period of time, and then becomes non-omnipotent. Yet Metapotence leavea sone questions thanks to what we doubt this power is logically possible. This implies for the debate on omnipotence that, as in matter, so in the human understanding of truth: it takes no true insight to destroy a perfectly integrated structure, and the effort to destroy has greater effect than an equal effort to build; so, a man is thought a fool who assumes its integrity, and thought an abomination who argues for it. The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein is frequently interpreted as arguing that language is not up to the task of describing the kind of power an omnipotent being would have. Oxford University Press 1978 pp. A common modern version of the omnipotence paradox is expressed in the question: "Can [an omnipotent being] create a stone so heavy that it cannot lift it?" [2] Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (before 532) has a predecessor version of the paradox, asking whether it is possible for God to "deny himself". This is justified by observing that for the omnipotent agent to create such a stone, it must already be more powerful than itself: such a stone is too heavy for the omnipotent agent to lift, but the omnipotent agent already can create such a stone; If an omnipotent agent already is more powerful than itself, then it already is just that powerful. An alternative meaning, however, is that a non-corporeal God cannot lift anything, but can raise it (a linguistic pedantry)—or to use the beliefs of Hindus (that there is one God, who can be manifest as several different beings) that whilst it is possible for God to do all things, it is not possible for all his incarnations to do them. • Philosophy Further, the omnipotent being can do what is logically impossible—just like the accidentally omnipotent—and have no limitations except the inability to become non-omnipotent. Join over 400,000 lifelong learners today! The "Circular God Counter-paradox" is specifically designed to use the same form of paradoxical logic that the "Stone Paradox" question uses to destroy omnipotence, but turns it around and to defeat the question. The paradox highlights cases where, in performing an action, an omnipotent being would be limiting its abilities (therefore rendering it very firmly not omnipotent); conversely if it was unable to perform such an action, it would also not be omnipotent. One response to this paradox is to disallow its formulation, by saying that if a force is irresistible, then by definition there is no immovable object; or conversely, if an immovable object exists, then by definition no force can be irresistible. • Psychology In his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, he stays generally within the realm of logical positivism until claim 6.4—but at 6.41 and following, he argues that ethics and several other issues are "transcendental" subjects that we cannot examine with language. "A person P is omnipotent at a time t if and only if he is able to bring about any logically contingent state of affairs x after t, the descriptions of which does not entail that P did not bring x about at t. This is subject to the restriction that a person is no less omnipotent for being unable to bring about a state of affairs if he believes that he has overriding reason not to bring it about. [26] In Chapter 3, section IV, he notes that "omnipotence itself" could not exempt animal life from mortality, since change and death are defining attributes of such life. The omnipotence paradox states that "Can god create a task that even he cant perform".. For instance can god create a rock that even he cant lift. Mackie states that . As such, God could create a stone so heavy that, in one incarnation, he could not lift it, yet could do something that an incarnation that could lift the stone could not.

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