population of the galactic republic

The Republic became peaceful but corrupt, and a Core-Rim distrust formed. [8] As the conflict spread across the galaxy, Palpatine's chancellery gradually morphed into a dictatorship[66] with control over both the Senate and the Republic courts. This page was last edited on 18 April 2021, at 03:06. The compassionate, democratic, devout population of 15.435 billion New Coruscanti hold their civil and political rights very dear, although the wealthy and those in business tend to be viewed with suspicion. As its power grew, the Republic engaged in various wars with the Mandalorians, the Zygerrian Slave Empire, and several Sith Empires. The Ascendancy encountered a number of aliens before retreating to their borders.[20]. Nevertheless, Republic citizens felt obliged to do their part by purchasing war bonds, reporting acts of treason, and making sacrifices to support the war effort. Twi'lek insurgents fought alongside Republic soldiers in the Battle of Ryloth. The treaties that created the RDC gave it the ability to allocate starships and personnel from the signatory worlds in times of emergency. [citation needed], The story of the Galactic Republic's rise, fall and resurrection have been compared to those of the real-world Roman Republic[20] and Weimar Germany. A self-proclaimed proponent of democracy and Republic patriot, Palpatine assured the senators that he intended to return the powers that they had given him after the crisis was over.[8]. [citation needed], Senators receive one vote in all matters, procedural and substantive. Senator Palpatine and Chancellor Valorum greeted Amidala upon her arrival to the capital. The New Coruscant Enclave of Federal Galactic Republic is a massive, pleasant nation, renowned for its burgeoning dove population. The Republic finally took control of the Mid Rim. [14], The Galactic Republic was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon as the "Old Republic" through the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, directed by George Lucas. This in turn influenced the developmental design of far larger vehicles, such as the Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport and the First Order All Terrain MegaCaliber Six, than what the Republic fielded in the Clone Wars.[35]. Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. [citation needed], Inside the Senate Building, there is an area in which the Senate debates, casts votes, and makes or passes bills. For at least a thousand years, the dominant governing body of the galaxy was the unicameral and democratic Galactic Republic, led by an elected Supreme Chancellor.In the last decades of its existence, the Republic Senate became mired in bureaucracy, rendering it woefully ineffectual as a governing body. A small group of experienced Jedi led by Mace Windu fail to arrest Palpatine for treason when Anakin Skywalker pledges himself to the dark side. Galactic City c.5000 BBY. [22], Thousands of years before the Imperial Era, the Corellian royalty sponsored exploration and colonization efforts that helped expand the frontiers of the Old Republic. The Republic occupies 1.2 million worlds with a total population of just under 100 quadrillion sentient beings, roughly 100,000 of those worlds were under the direct purview of the Core galactic government with each world representing thousands of dependencies - thus the rest vary from tangibly related planets operating under Senate purview to small unremarkable colonies to asteroid … [9], The Republic possessed immense economic power,[93] having maintained peace—with the aid of the Jedi Knights—throughout the known galaxy for almost a millennium. From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Luke vs. Emperor Palpatine - Rise to Evil. [96], Though the Clone Wars had exacted a heavy toll on the Republic treasury,[14] the Republic remained a powerful economic force in the galaxy. Meanwhile, Vader undertook a mission to Mustafar where he personally executed the Separatist Council. [111] Over time, Republic expansionism led to the annexation of new member worlds. [14] The Jedi were strong enough to finally end its ancient war against the Mandalorian clans. Comprising an amalgam of ships, it was funded primarily by off-world loans and supplied with laser and ion cannons acquired from arms merchants who had for centuries been ignoring a Republic ban on the sale of weaponry to member worlds. Some represent special interest groups such as the Trade Federation, and other companies, corporations, and industries. Executive branch [citation needed], The Senate serves as the unicameral main body of the legislative branch, but has immense power over the entire Galactic Republic. Despite ill feelings between their segregated societies, the occupation of their shared homeworld allowed Amidala to mend their relationship through diplomacy. [citation needed], The Republic begins as a mutual protection and economic alliance among a number of planets in the Core. It was the Order's preference to serve but not engage the populace; as such, the population's anti-Jedi views were the result of the Order's cultural absence as opposed to an actual refutation of their ways.[14]. Theed, the capital city of Naboo, was swiftly occupied by the Trade Federation Droid Army. The Imperial population are much smaller when compared to the Galactic Republic and are divided between Sith and non-Sith. The Senate has some form of judicial power as well, although the Republic has a judicial branch, in which the Supreme Court was the main body. The promise of trade with Core World markets held many systems in sway, inexorably luring non-member worlds into tighter cooperation with the state body. The Boonta Eve Classic, while based on the independent Outer Rim world of Tatooine, beyond the Republic frontier, received coverage and attention as far as the Core Worlds. [7] The Kaminoan government formally joined the Republic; as such, Kamino[14]—an extragalactic planet[113]—was accorded full representation in the Galactic Senate, having supplied the Republic with its clone industry. The Galactic Republic of Guillean Republic is a massive, socially progressive nation, ruled by Freedialin Manuel José Ferrer with a fair hand, and notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape and keen interest in outer space. [101], Galactic Basic was the most prevalent language in the Republic,[102] spoken primarily by humans[103] and the Pantorans. Republic of Cities [edit | edit source] The Republic of Cities was created after the fall of the Galactic Republic. All Star Wars chronology takes the destruction of the first Death Star during the Battle of Yavin, portrayed in the first film Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977), as the basis of counting standard years. Supreme Chancellor[1] Sidious publicly denounced the Jedi Order; he accused them of plotting to assassinate him in order to take control of the Senate, and by extension, the Republic. The Great Peace of the Republic lasted for almost a thousand years. Therefore, she represents a population of roughly 600 million. Head of government [citation needed] The Core Worlds such as Coruscant and Alderaan were notable for their prosperity, which was later matched by the Colonies, while the Inner Rim and Expansion Region were a bit less secure and wealthy; the Mid Rim was an unsafe region that saw much of the fighting Galactic Civil War on planets such as Naboo and Kashyyyk, as it was far from the Republic's military concentrated in the Core. The Galactic Republic of New Coruscant is a gargantuan, socially progressive nation, ruled by Supreme Chancellor Abraxis Valorum with a fair hand, and notable for its museums and concert halls, soft-spoken computers, and ubiquitous missile silos. Date reorganized Deluded by Palpatine's charisma and skill (and perhaps also by his considerable dark side power), the majority of the Senate cheered him on loudly in approval. State religious body In general Muuns saw little need to build a relationship of stability and trust with the galaxy; they simply assumed that their place in society was to continue dominating galactic finances. Shortly afterwards, General Grievous met his end at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Battle of Utapau. Xenophobia was an issue in a society as diverse as the Republic. Date established Palpatine announced that the Galactic Republic ould be reorganized into the Galactic Empire, and he would be the emperor for life. The Coruscant Guard was formed by clone shock troopers stationed on the Republic capital;[59] senatorial delegates were accompanied by clone bodyguards;[54] and the clones became involved in the Republic's internal disputes by acting as enforcers of the Senate. Metellos alone has 800 Billion humans. In their first battle against the Separatist Droid Army, the Grand Army displayed a level of military strength unseen in the history of the galaxy.[84]. Naboo has a senator (Padme) and, as far as we are aware, she is the only Naboo senator at her time (Jar Jar is a representative without voting rights, except by proxy). The Star Destroyer, the most visible representative of modern military capital ships, originated with the development of the Republic Navy's Venator-class Star Destroyer. Republic clone troopers were the military arm of the Galactic Senate. Following a series of weak and ineffectual Chancellors, there is a crisis involving the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation over a tariff passed by the Senate. During the High Republic Era, Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh sought to unite the Outer Rim Territories with the Galactic Republic. Introduced by military architects such as Orson Krennic, it ultimately supplanted the Republic style as the dominant architectural form of the Galactic Empire. The Galactic Republic, also known as the Grand Republic, the Old Republic following its restoration in 1032 BBY and again following the rise of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the High Republic between 300 BBY and 82 BBY, or simply the Republic, was a democratic union comprising thousands of star systems spread across the galaxy.

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